The Un-Dead Godzilla Walks!
Disclaimer: This is one of those blogs that is pure internal speculations and observation. If you don’t want to be bored by my own self examinations which are then presented on this blog (which does seem very self indulging and pompous) then read no further, because blah blah blah, blah blah... Then again, if you can relate, maybe you should examine yourself, as well...
Lately it has occurred to me that I have a somewhat unhealthy fascination of living out an undead fantasy of being a Last Man On Earth (or fittingly called Lamoe, pronounced "lay-mo" in History of World War Z by Max Brooks) with the exception of having my loved ones and friends all helping me to carve out the brave new tomorrow on the ashes of our old civilization. Of course it would be a Utopia based on left-wing socialist beliefs with an over healthy respect for the rights of the individual, but that’s another story. Where was I? Oh yes, survival fantasy. Anyway, this fantasy that perpetrates somewhere within my subconscious is because of some set of beliefs or ideas or feelings I have had about life, society or the world in general. I also have a love of Godzilla and zombie movies. This question was skipping from sub to actual consciousness while I was watching Godzilla 2000 the other day. Then it hit me! Right at the scene where Godzilla (having just defeated the alien menace Orga) walks up to the building where the humans, led by Katagiri (the shrewd government civilian commanding the military forces against Godzilla and Orga) are standing on the roof. Godzilla walks up then swipes the spot where Katagiri was standing. Godzilla proceeds to do some damage to the rest of the city leaving the rest of the humans to bear witness. Godzilla movies appeal to me because he is a force of nature that cannot be controlled, bargained with, manipulated or bought. He mostly seeks solitude but has no problems with letting humanity know when they/we have gotten too big for our britches. He is the ultimate individual with a healthy does of mindless god-like power thrown in. Ok, ok, but what does this have to do with last man on earth fantasies? Well, it stems from the idea that humanity, society and the world we live in has co-opted many of the things that make individuals what they are. In turn, zombies and (to a lesser extent) Godzilla are great equalizers. Godzilla reminds us that all of us are weak and fundamentally the same in the eyes of nature. Zombies, specifically, bring society down to it’s base roots. In the most popular and poignant zombie films, society is destroyed or in the process of being destroyed. They make the strong, weak and make the weak strong. All that is left is survival. What does all of this mean? Well, I guess I just don’t like society that much. Probably more to the actual truth is that I don’t like people that exploit others. From the lowly thief and mugger all the way up to Dick Cheney. A zombie holocaust that tears down the foundations of society would also tear down the corridors of power. It’s just escapist fantasy and not true (at least not yet) so we can only change society by first changing ourselves then changing our culture to one of mutual respect. And then, blah blah blah... Anyway, I guess that’s why Godzilla and zombie films appeal to me so much.