In my own life, my brother has been the single largest and most influencial anti-drug advocate I know. Without even a word against drugs he has forced me to commit myself to never wanting to engage in any kind of long term or habitual use. Now, I won't pretend to say that I never tried drugs. I've tried a few but never with any kind of regularity (okay, except alcohol, caffiene and aspirin). His dogged pursuit to keep me clean and, "just say(ing) no!" through the years continues to this day. He's a pillar, well more like an erect penis, well how about a dick. When we were younger he smoked marijuana. Habitually and (it

seemed) constantly. He was also a supreme asshole. I don't mean he was just some other knock-off asshole in the vein of your boss, I mean when it came to assholes, he was royalty. His "use" continued into adulthood, as did his evolution as an asshole. (btw: I love fried eggs!) He got married, had kids, yada, yada, yada. Appearently, his wife was going to leave him regarding his marijuana addiction, a few months of turmoil and viola! Suddenly here was this nice, friendly and geniune (I did say genuine) guy at all of the family gatherings. Also, I noticied for the first time in my life, my brother had whites to his eyes. The amazing thing is that this has continued for many years now. I have a brother and not an asshole that is part of the

family. And all of this pro-drug propaganda about marijuana being a mild drug that makes you mellow, ha. Don't misunderstand, I'm for the legalization of it, but that's another blog. Recently, my brother met myself and other family members somewhere. He was being an asshole. Meanspirited, short, petty and rude. Then I noticied his eyes had no whites. Thankfully, this attitude (and his pink eyes) didn't last long. It was a good reminder for me why I don't use drugs. Once he's created, I guess you can't keep Mister Hyde locked up forever.
I could never get into smoking pot I prefer doing a few lines of coke
mmmm coke... man that is a good drug so good in fact i refuse to be around it cause i like it so much its scary.. and never take methadone.. fuck thats scary stuff makes me glad there was never heroin around when i was in my ill do anything stage... as for boning i am youll all be glad in my ill pretty much slam in into anything stage... dont turn around!
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