Recently I was accused of not being a happy person because of my last couple

of blogs (and probably a few scattered here and there). Hmm? What an interesting question to ponder. Am I happy? Your fucking A right I’m happy!!!! MWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HA HA HA ha ha ha! I’m so fucking zippity doo da happy, I should be in a loony bin!!! What is happiness anyway? Is it a state of the mind? A state of the soul? A state of the physical being? Is it a combination of all three or even different states for different people? Are people happy when they smile all of the time? Naw, that’s bullshit because I’m paid to smile all damned day at my job, it doesn’t mean I’m happy about it. How many spoiled children do you see that are happy? I mean, look at those horrible spoiled teens on that Mtv show, are they happy? I

know their parents aren’t. Does money make you happy? I know a very rich man that comes into the Stardust all of the time, he is quite simply one of the most miserable fucks I have ever seen. He’s not mean, but you can see he’s unhappy because he wears it like a winter coat. With that said, does money make you unhappy? Happiness is probably something much more intangible and I don’t really know how to define happiness in the entire context of the world. I know what defines it for me. “Wait,” you think, “you didn’t actually tell us if you are happy!” I guess I can only reply with... Are you happy? Is happiness for you defined by short term gratification or the realization of long term goals? What makes you happy and what are you doing to get there? Who are you to even ask

me if I’m happy? Why is my happiness even your concern? Name one fucking artist in the history of all of mankind that is worth a shit in the art they express and I’m willing to bet, they aren’t very happy people. Does it mean they are unhappy? No, it doesn’t. However, I don’t believe that angst is reserved solely for artists. (Maybe tortured would be a more accurate description) I don’t believe anyone is happy all of the time. It’s simply not going to happen. Happiness is a part of the human condition, it is not the entire human condition. So, back to the original charges of me being happy or not... Quite simply, the answer is... sometimes.
joking aside I think I've only seen you happy like twice in 7 years. I find it very important to be happy but I don't think it's something you can force yourself to be. As for me I'm one of those annoying people who even when I'm pissed off I'm still quite happy because now I have a funny story to tell everyone about!
There was an article on the internets the other day about why intelligent people are unhappy. None of it was really a surprise to me. It seems like it's a lot easier for stupid people to be happy. In my experience, the people who actually think about stuff tend to be sort of unhappy, because, well, they think about stuff.
Sometimes I wish I was retarded. Those dudes are ALWAYS happy. Or I wish I could just turn my brain off. How nice would it be to be able to believe everything is right with the world?
Knowledge burns. No matter how happy stupid people may be, it's better to live outside the garden of eden having eaten the apple than living in it, blissfully ignorant. I just couldn't go back if I was given that choice. Besides, every once in a while (usual right about the time I orgasm) I do feel like all is right in the world, if only for a moment. PS So, Karl, what two times were those?
Karl- Please tell me that one of those times does not have to do with the Double Down and a bet....
Boo hoo, intelligent people are unhappy! Give me a fucking break, who fucking cares? Onto more important things… the two times I’ve seen Adam happy. The first one was very offensive & almost ruined my birthday party Adam showed up to my birthday with a swastika on his forehead, I’m a father of two & I find this kind of behavior any thing but appropriate, shame on you Adam. The second one was the bet at the Double Down Saloon. How did you know Adam & I were dared $10 to make out? Adam then became sad because after we agree to do it, the people at the bar told us not to, mother fuckers I almost got some man butt.
This is the gayest post ever. And you people commenting suck even more. Allow me to list all the things to be happy for.
1) We're fighting the Islamufacists over there...not here.
2) We're not at peace (because everyone knows peace sucks).
3) We've saved literally millions of souls by not engaging in stem-cell research. Or as I call it "Sin"-cell research.
4) All around the world the word of Jesus H. Christ is spreading and saving people.
5) Our Hummers (well, my Hummer since you queers probably don't own one) gets over twenty miles per gallon!
6) We still have about two years of our glorious God-appointed leader Bush to guide us to the promised land.
7) There are so many signs pointing to the upcoming Apocalypse that according the the Book of Revelations that the Rapture must be near.
I mean seriously, what the hell is wrong with you guys?
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