Yes, someone once said, “Mood is a thing for lovers and cattle.” Wow, great words. I’m all out of words right now, and, apparently not in the writing mood. Or, at least I haven’t been. But, alas, I had better post something or I will be compared to
Crasskins in frequency of posts. (In his defense he put up two in one week! Wow!) Anyway, I haven’t really been in an expressive mood lately. I have been doing some writing though, just not for the blog. Shhh, I’ve been doing serious writing. Seriously, though, even that has been a struggle. I don’t know if I’d call it writers block, per se. I can still write something, it just isn’t very good. I try to trudge through it and hopefully come out at the other end. Even

typing this silly little post seems somehow awkward and labored. My wit seems dull and my mood dark (no, not self pity dark, more like mean spirited dark) Actually I feel a bit like an Ork. No, not the Tolkein Orcs from Lord of the Rings (although Orks were based from Orcs) more like the
Warhammer 40k version. If you don’t know what that is, look it up, there is a lot of material on the internet. Well, I’ve probably meandered around long enough to make some kind of post, pointless, obscure and retarded but a post none the less. This whole post reminds me of 10th grade writing class, just trying to fill up the page with enough words to get a D, then I can go back to daydreaming and picking daisies.
Daisies? As in Daisy Duke? I am trying to get a visual of a boy, any boy, even a boy of questionable sexual orientation, picking daisies... at least one that is in the tenth grade anyway... Unless you are the Doogie Howser type.
I do pass this way every now and again, hoping for the crumbs from your table.
When I think about how I "won" the Haiku thingy simply cuz I did it about a season, then I too, become a bit mean spirited and dark... but you can't know that. You can't see my fists ball up and my face turn red...spittle dribbling from my bottom lip (which, incidentally is poked out and puffy) can you...?
Well, let me know when you do publish something serious. I will buy it.
you get an "F"
unblock your writer's block, otherwise when the dam breaks you're going to be up all night trying to write down everything you've wanted to write since you last got constipated! or smoke weed that might help - all artists, be it writers, musicians, or painters have to be fucked up in the head somewhere to tap their creative side.
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