Okay, without any ado, here are the Challenge! results...
Adam LaVey:
Dreams drift in the dark
Like shadows flitting about
They are always there
Memories of a lost time
It is the heart’s one true pain
Artistic Inspiration:

Role Model:
Well, I won’t say I haven’t had role models in my life. Admittedly, though, there are few specific people that come to mind, but rather (like my friends) it’s traits of others that appeal to me. I do have one role model, someone I used to love and then hate. Someone I believed to be real then I believed never existed. Someone, who by definition can never exist and evolves as time goes by. Regardless, I can aspire to be that man. When I was younger I had a strong idea of what kind of man I wanted to be. I thought I was that man, for a long time. I lied to myself just to think I was that man. As I grew older and the pain of my choices mounted I began to hate that man. When pride was finally lost (not all pride, but certainly foolish pride) I had a better understanding of who that man was, and what kind of man I am. I started to understand that I would need to change so that someday I could meet and be that man. I also learned that the ideal of that man would have to change also, or I would never meet him.
Karl Bakla
Doing Haikus Suck
This Idea Is Fucking dumb
Here is My Haiku
(to be honest with you I thought Haikus were lame at first, but I had a good time writing Haikus with Adam that one day, so my mind has changed, thanks Adam!)
Artistic Inspiration:

Other musical honorable mentions
Samiam (Billy)
Ramones (Rocket To Russia)
Dillinger Four (Mid Western Songs Of The Americas)
Artist I enjoy:
Winston Smith
Tom Of Finland
Raymond Pettibon
Robert Williams
Writers I enjoy
Abbie Hoffman
Kinky Freidman
Howard Zinn
Role Model:
As for roll models: I don’t have any roll models, life in general influences me, as well as my friends & Family. Growing up as a punk rocker has made me an anti-hero. If you want something that has influenced me the whole punk rock & skateboarding culture has made me one social outcast, who doesn’t give a fuck if people like me or not, but this could go on for ever, I got to go I have to put another coat on my latest painting your gonna love.
Crasskins or The Blogging Alchemist
Late for the challenge
Hope Adam is not upset
Artistic Inspiration:
When probed about my favorite artistic work, I immediately thought of Fight Club the novel. Though this answer is somewhat stereotypical, you can’t argue that the novel wasn’t amazing. The amalgamation of so many issues was fascinating and seemed to resonate with people of

Role Model:
I found the role models issue to be the most difficult. I think this is because I don’t have role models. Instead, I have something more like role attributes. I mean, to model oneself after another life is to say that you think that life or that person embodies how a life should be lived. Yet the only types of individuals that you could argue should have all their characteristics repeated in others are generally either fictitious or shrouded in mythos (Superman, Jesus). So, I pick and choose attributes from others that I find inspiring. For example, I admire Karl Bakla for his uncompromising stances on many issues. I admire the fact that he has never changed his behavior for shallow reasons. I admire Lavey for his constant and endless pursuit of some sort of intangible truth. I admire my father’s voracious

Kamikaze KurtSurf!
Cream fills her tight holes
I stab her with my small cock

I eat out her cunt
With my mouth and with my tongue
She squirts in my eye
Vienna sausage has
Much too much fun with his friend
The happy hotdog
Oh! Beautiful spring.
I watch a butterfly land
I smash it and laugh
Las Vegas is here
Neon lights blind me at night
There's no where to hide
Artistic Inspiration:
Art - the Hubble Deep Field image, December 1995. The original deep field image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope does show that the answer to Everything is 42. The Hubble Space Telescope took an empty part of the sky they could find and zoomed in to take an image to see what was there. What was there? In the image there are galaxies and nebulas and there are lights that appears to be stars, but in fact these are even more galaxies . This image and many that followed are truly "awesome"; in that it is "awe" inspiring, there are no words to really describe what you see. The Hubble Deep Field image of December 1995 is my affirmation as to how small and insignificant we humans are in the big picture of life, the universe, and everything.
Roll Model:
My biggest role model is myself. Clarification here: I'm not an egotistical person or self-centered in the sense that everyone despises. I have learned that no matter who you worship for their qualities, they all have flaws and the only judgment you should really trust is yourself. We are all affected/effected by the people who surround us, but most importantly it's our life experiences that define who we really (as opposed to who we think we) are as a person. Therefore my biggest role model is myself and life experiences. I take all the parts of my life, I wouldn't change one iota of my life experiences because it wouldn't make me into the whole person I am today. It takes all your experiences and no-one elses to lead to self-realization and self-actualization.
Haiku in Verse
Answers to questions, Inspiration to live by, Makes us now unique.
Quest to be equal Remember the key: freedom. Not to be the same.
Free your divine truth Not defined by the years of Patriarchal rule
There were those before Who left the truth behind them, And taught harmony.

Royal blood of past, Rise again and led the way To truth/unity.
Artistic Inspiration:
Lilting It reflects A yearning for contentment, The search for peace Amidst years spent In a house built On six inches of ice Covering twelve feet of lava.
Each key Rains down Rose petals from all The bushes in the Paris. A walk on a spring day With the companionship Of your own thoughts To make musical each rush of wind.
Role Model:
Anti Heroes
Isolated from society Alien in his own world, without a leash. Working from a dingy office without propriety, Never on the good side of the police.
Men made of the tougher stuff, Truly on the side of right They will call your bluff. Able to hold their own in a fight
Rarely are they sweet and gentle But are the ones that can make a girl smile. Even when they are their most mental Their women would walk many a mile
To get them to strike a match. For sensuality and a gruff way Are the secret to his heart’s latch. Fighting dirty he will live to love another day.
A brilliant Red leaf
the dew dripping from it's tip
Fall has come to pass
Artistic Inspiration:
I have many favorites when it comes to art, whether it be paintings, music or books. I will

Role Model:
I do not have many role models. I am not sure why. Perhaps because in my old age, I am realizing that no one is perfect and that at first glance I might see something I greatly admire in a person, they are always sure to show their imperfections; and sometimes too quickly. (smile here)
There is one man that I knew when I was a teenager whom has since passed away. I greatly admired this man. I watched how he treated his wife and his three sons. He was very affectionate without being overbearing. He always looked everyone in the eyes when he spoke and one had the impression that he was always honest; That he held no secrets from others or even himself. I saw him give a homeless person his coat once. My own father is a good man, but this man that I adored was an exceptional man. His goodness outweighed his humanity. He was easy to love.
T. Estabella
A fork in the road
New beginning or the end
First step is the hardest

Artistic Inspiration:
I have a painting in my house which I inherited from my parents when they moved out of my childhood home. The piece is art deco and the composition is of an abstract Pekinese dog. The artist used charcoal and oils in shaded of muted browns and tans for the body and the long ears that rest on the sides of its head. The only other color used in the painting is a pearl –white that encompasses the eyes giving them a ghostly stare. I have no idea who the artist; the painting is signed “A.Y”. I love looking at those eyes. They have an eerie calming effect over me.
Role Model:
No entry
Thanks everybody for the entries! I’ll leave my own comments on the comment page also!!!
Best Haiku - Swanny! For one simple fact. If you really know what a haiku is, you would know that they are traditionally about something in nature!
Best Artistic Impression - Kamekazi Kurt! The whole hubble thing is really good and unique. Art in the natural world, it doesn't get better that that.
Best Role Model - Crasskins! Because Karl and I are both role attributaries!
Honorable Mention - Mapeltree, for puting her entire Challenge! response in prose.
wow, it seems your challenge was a good turnout. I must say I found Crasskins haiku the most humorous. It was fun to read everyones responses. Well, I'm gonna go out to a bar and smoke all the cigarettes I can...while I can. Have a great night.
I think mine was the best, just because I'm good at everything... well I have to go to work right now which I need to do because I have band practice tonight & I need to write some lyrics
I like Crasskins artistic impression but probably because I really like Fight Club and think the book is better than the movie. And I like my haiku b/c I don't think haiku just has to be about poetry.
Thanks Adam... at least you can see artistic!
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