Just Smart Enough to be Stupid. or Grow Up Already!

“Wha-? Hey Adam, that’s a bit harsh. Didn’t the apple just represent knowledge?” You ask.
Well, no. The apple was the representation of what separates us humans from animals. Knowledge is just an accumulation of facts. More importantly, the apple represented imagination and free will. The ability to see what different choices could bring and the ability to make different choices not based on our environment.
“You’re fucking cracked. Who cares, as long as I get mine. I don’t see your point and I don’t

Yeah, you’re probably right. It probably is boring. But you should care because if you don’t then you are an animal. Animals get theirs or they die. That’s it, that’s all there is. Squirrels get their nuts or they starve. Lions get their antelope or they die. Humans get their Hummers or they, hmm, or they, uh, well I guess they don’t die. Then why do they feel the need to get theirs? Oh yeah, most can’t figure out how to live beyond their environment. It’s less deadly but much more complex, or at least that’s what they want you to think (yes the mythical and ambiguous “they”).
“What the-? Are you on drugs? You’re not even making any sense, man! My bills get paid, I got my cell phone and my hi-def TV and my video game system. I even have a little bit left over to blow money on gambling every once in a while. You don’t even know what you’re talking about.”

“Man, what the fuck? I have choices and I can make choices. I choose what I want to wear, what I eat, what I watch and even what interest I want to pursue. Technology is not evil, it’s good and it is freeing humanity. Go ahead and prove me wrong.”
Well, I can’t. Not really, only because your argument is flawed. Technology is not evil nor good,

“Alright, now I know you’re cracked. You defined and proved my point, even if you added a little of the down side to it. Also, what do you mean by forgetting what is important?”
Ah, yeah, did you forget already, to destroy God. Admittedly the word “destroy” is a bit harsh (and I used it to generate a little intrigue). More accurately, to destroy the need for God. That’s the meaning of life and it should be the goal of all humans.

Yeah, okay. Let me give you an example: I know three atheists and two agnostics very well. Well enough to know quite a bit about their inner workings, how they think and what they believe as far as day to day living goes. All five (not one or two or three, all five!) of these people have essentially destroyed their need for God on some level. All of them have some of the highest values I know of. All of them believe in doing what is right. All them believe in self improvement. None of them are really materialistic. All of them want the world to be a better place and generally try to help (on their small level) achieve that end. Yet, none of them, not a single one, believe that they will die and go to heaven or hell based on their actions in this life. What is stopping these five people from being hedonistic, greedy and materialistic?

“That’s a bunch of horse shit! You could have picked those five people out of any number just to prove your point. And not all religious people are that bad. Some are pretty good, if a bit weird.”
Okay, fair argument. I only used those five because I know them really well. I know many more that are pretty much the same way. I only know one atheist that is fairly materialistic and has a “get what I can get attitude”. That would be my dear old Dad. Despite this, he is still always willing to help and as he gets older, he has shedded much of his self centered and materialistic beliefs. But why, he doesn’t believe he is going to hell?
“I’m sure I don’t know and I’m also sure you’re dying to tell me.”

“What the fuck? Are you on acid?”

Nope, never done it. My only point is, we as humans should strive to destroy our need for God. Not spirituality, not morals or ethics or values. Those we need and the more mature we become, the more naturally they occur to us (I’m talking big picture, as the human race). If we can’t figure out how to use our imagination and free will to decide for ourselves. Everything in the book of revelations (or any other end of the world story) will come true simply because we have hundreds of thousands of stupid ass Neo-

Of course I could be completely off base and we could just regress into a scene from Lord of the Flies.
“Dumb ass. It’s late and I got church in the morning. I’m outta here, as soon as I remember where I parked my Cadillac.”
Oh Adam, you are such a bugger. I mean that in the nicest way of course. I have several people in my life that are atheists or agnostic. I even have a close friend who believes in reincarnation. I have no idea what that belief is called. All of them are good people.
I have a mountain of opinions about all of this, but suffice it to say I never was good at debating, unless of course I am in love with someone. haha... Then, I can debate until the wee hours of the morning, until my "loved one" gives up and says, "you win".
For some reason, this way of life has not served me well. So, I have had to change courses if you will. Fly my sail in a different direction.
Well, I guess my point is this. In my heart I believe that it doesn't matter who or what my friends and loved ones believe in, as long as they do not try to shove it down my throat. Everyone is entitled to think how they will. I do not "cotten" to the idea that Christians should go about the business of brainwashing others into their "human" fantasies of God. I do not believe that atheists should force their non-beliefs on anyone either.
I believe in God and what I believe can never be what the next person believes because we are all so different. Years ago I rolled away the stone and allowed my own mind to take charge. I no longer live according to what churches, schools, scholars or anyone else says I should.
I believe there would be no war if not for the fantasies that people make up and try to force on one another. But...then again... I am somewhat of a child... I could be wrong.
Don't tell anybody.
I found your blog interesting.
Are we still friends? If so... be nice. I am delicate.
Wow, Great comments! Don't worry Swanny, we're friends! You have an opinion and that's worth a bunch. With all of that in mind, you may like Logic vs. Irrationality. It con be found under the July Archives and should be first on the page.
I really don't understand why people believe the bible is the word of GOD. It's fairly well known that it was written by a bunch of self-serving men who put in extra bits through the centuries and cut out bits they didn't like. That doesn't neccesarily mean mean that God doesn't exist but most of the Bible is definitely a pile of crap!
I really enjoyed reading this blog, because it asked alot of the questions that rattle in my own head. I have no answer - personally I thnk those who claim to have the answer are probably far from it. In the end, there is Love. But what has been done and continues to be done under the name of Love is about as far from love as you can get and seems to have a lot more to do with fear, insecurity and greed. I have lived my life religion-free. I have been counted as atheist, agnostic, spiritual and I cannot sit with any terms. I have strong links with natural magic, and many friends of different beliefs, including recently, due to a strange turn of events (destined? coincidence?), a number of Catholic Franciscan priests and nuns. I also know a number of american christians who no longer call themselves christian because of the association with the right-wing, fundamental fascists, who they see, as I am sure many do, as being as far from God/Jesus etc as they can be. And that goes for all the crazies through all the ages trying to assert their way as RIGHT and GOOD and others as EVIL and WRONG. Come clean, Mostly it is about the global power...and always has been. But, having been someone who was very anti-religion, I have grown to understand and see that there are some true and beautiful people who are part of one religion or another.
I still believe that religion and faith are different things entirely, that it is in the religion and the religious interpretation that we get problems, and I have BIG issues with the religious dogma,seeing as most of it seems to be about the restriction of humanity and the patriachal control of women and 'sub-classes' and for me, gets in the way of the spirit-side, but I am beginning to feel more comfortable acknowledging out loud a spiritual dimension to my life (I have always had it in my deep inner life, just not out and proud), in the days I live and the poet-journey I am on.
See, I told you this was one of the best posts. Look at the comments! Anyhow, being an atheist, the threat of a hypothetical hell has no influence over my choice of right/wrong. I think that tends to frustrate people. It reminds me of how the French existentialist philosopher Satre brought up the case of the woman who feared she would sit naked in the window after her husband left because she could. Some people dread their freedom. That is where religion comes in. Religion acts as the husband of the aforementioned wife. As long as my religion is around, I won't do wrong. For atheists it's much simpler. We (well, perhaps I don't speak for all atheists) celebrate our freedom. I act out of compassion, empathy, and the desire to see the world I inhabit reach its full potential.
I don't pray, I don't believe in karma, and I don't feel that I need god. Actually, I guess I do need god in the sense that god has provided fodder for really good bar conversations. Well, I suppose that's not really an actual need.
Really though, my acknowledgement of god's non-existence has very little to do with who I am. Though when people find out someone's an atheist, they really tend to pigeon-hole you.
Shit, I'm not really sure where I'm going with this. We'll figure it out later over a few pints.
I can only echo your other readers and say that I enjoyed your blog as well. I can only add that I think you are wrong about not beyond your environment-it is deadly, as long as we believe we are something more than just a modern version of the dinosaur and will one day be surpassed by some link of proteins now floating on the bottom of the ocean floor. There has to be a desire for knowledge and ideas or civilization will deteriate to the point where we follow anyone with an idea because there's nothing between our ears to process what we hear.
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