I had a pretty fucked day. At least the first half; some bullshit, some truth, some misdirection and even some deduction. My friend Karl Bakla helped by allowing me to vent a bit then making me laugh with his trademark robot/magnetic pulse dance (and skateboarding antics). Overall it was a downer but within I felt kind of an inner peace and strength (don't worry, I'm not going all religious on yuh) and it made me feel pretty fucking good. I also felt mad, not the abstract agony and frustration of fierce blind rage, but mad. Mad like I could consciously decide to destroy something and do it meticulously. Now, I am old enough and have enough values to understand that this kind of thing can lead to

regret and possibly jail time. The point is, feeling this way gave me a strange sense of peace and freedom. It reminded me that I am alive and I can feel and I can act and above all, I have a choice. The rest of the day really started to seem pretty fucking good. Then I ran into fellow blogger and friend Lady Poverty. I have always thought of her as a very attractive young woman and today was no exception. However, she did look a bit frayed and

had a hard edge to her face. She told me what was going on and seemed a bit better for it (glad I could help). Later on I visited her at Seattle’s Best Coffee inside the fabulous Stardust and ordered the bane of all baristas (because it doesn’t exist, at least not with a real cappuccino) the dreaded Iced Cappuccino. I did it for a laugh and she reciprocated, we chatted a bit and she did seem a little better than earlier. Then, something wonderful happened (no, she didn’t flirt with me or give me her number!). One of her fellow baristas produced... The Iced Cappuccino! It was fantastic! It made for a very laugh filled few moments and certainly completed a turn around for my day! Anyway, I know it’s no painting, but here is another (smaller and simpler) work

of art, just for Lady Poverty...
Iced cappuccino
All cold with a bunch of foam
Good enough to drink
Hot foam over cold ice milk
Watch out for diarrhea!
Long form Haiku. Yes, it’s supposed to be stupid and if she and/or you are smiling then mission accomplished.
I must say, I was certainly surprised to find my name in your blog. Nice surprise. I'm hoping my workweek isn't as fucked as the previous. I had a wicked case of the "mondays" when I walked through the door but after my CSA bounus and the iced cappuccino incident I let the chip on my shoulder fall away.
Thanks for the work of art. I wanted to see some of that Haiku battle between you and Karl you were telling me about. But oh well. By the way...mission accomplished! I was laughing out loud at this internet cafe when I read your Haiku...the nerd playing Counter-strike looked at me funny and then glanced at my screen only to see a picture of an Iced Cappuccino. see you around.
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