A Long Day or How I Shucked the Responsibilities My Bosses Placed In Me And Fucked Off With Karl Bakla All Day!

“Cry Havoc! And Let Slip The Haiku’s of War!”
Karl: Long Form Haiku (5-7-5-7-7)
Rub it on my face
Satan’s hell stink on my flesh
Show love for satan

Who are you to judge my love
For heavy metal music (Kind of funny words from an atheist)
So I think you stink
Your fragrance is quiet unique
It burns in my nose
And it really curls my toes
So take a bath you ingrate
Drive your damn Hummer
You disgusting piece of shit
You make me wanna puke (He fucked up, this one isn’t a Haiku and I rejected it and stole the initiative!)
Adam: Short form Haiku (5-7-5)

Mitchell Marr has sold his soul
To the company
You are so ugly
Test positive for VD
I really hate you
How well do I suck
Customer cock in my throat
You do it better
Fisted in the ass
Oh suffering succotash
How ‘bout my ass

Your poems are so weak
If you would go eat some steak
Your brain would work right
Actual photo of Adam LaVey
Karl: (who proclaimed that now it was really on)
Mister down syndrome
You have inverted penis (I wanna know who told him!)
Gay like John Waters
You know how to twist
When you sit on my penis
Too bad I have crabs
You ate Cragma out (an old masculine lady we work with)
Can’t suck my dick don’t pout
Another’s in your mouth
Karl: (Stole back the initiative)
To bad you have AIDS
Yeah hurrah! You will die soon
Rock Hudson lover
Your words are so gay
And they suck really bad too
Yes literally
Sucked off Elton John (True)
Liberace’ sucked your dick
Test yourself for AIDS

You like brown eye stink
When pooters give you a wink
You drool and you faint
Bend over and spell run
Launch your wiener in my ass
No not slow but fast
When good fags go bad
Vaginas are to be had
But you stick with fist
Stupid dick for nose
Your penis is inverted (again?)
Your butthole is gay
My words from my cache
Continue to kick your ass
Just give up dumb ass
Sniffing the panties
Going through my dirty clothes
This is my fetish
While working the floor
I’ve been covering your calls
Get to work butt head
Take off your clothes now
Slurping cum is not homo
Free your mind explore
Go twist on the fist

You’re a greasy pork sandwich
You hairy monkey
You are a Gypsy (also true)
Nomadic charlatan trick
Kill with Zyclom-B
Actual Photo of Karl Bakla
You know you are gay
With make-up like Tammy Faye
And Rod Stewart says “Hey!”
Crasskins and Adam
Were caught fucking each other
They are now lovers
Just ‘cause your mother
Is ashamed of her lover
She does not need to lie

I would rather fuck Adam
Adam is sexy
Buttfucking with Karl
While raw and painful
Can’t be worse than work
It won’t last nearly as long
Plus he’ll pay six hundred bucks
Yes, stupid, silly and inane. I guess sometimes meaningless things can be fun. I know it sure made my day a whole helluva lot better! Almost as good as this photo of Kung Fu Jesus. I don’t even care if one of us won the battle. The whole thing is nostalgic and it was a blast.

I won the battle, yo!
You're haikus are lame
You're lucky I wasn't there
I'd have owned the game
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