Some people really don't know how to do anything else. They have convinced themselves that they are somehow better, more knowledgeable and rightious about all aspects of life, they forget that they usually only learn things through humility. No folks, I'm not talking about Christians, although most seem to make up a large percent of the type I'm talking about. I'm referring to all close-minded, self aggrandizing, pompous asses in the world. Unfortunately, it seems like they make up about 95% of all of us. I was a victim and I'll admit I have my bouts, but through treatment, I have been able to live with it and function more outside the ring than inside. Justifying to themselves and those that pat their asses why they are right. Endless games of "Ring Around the Rosy". Never stopping to look around. Always assuming their game is the best and they need nothing else. Sad, really.
Here is a little poem I copied from a movie I liked...
Fuck, fuck, fuck, mother mother fuck, mother mother fuck fuck, mother fuck, mother fuck, noynch noynch noynch, and it goes on a bit more, but this line is my favorite.
One more thing, if I'm going to hell, I can take comfort in the fact that most of you are going with me. Because none of us have a clue.
that poem sounds like it was stolen out of the Karl Bakla song book, what the...
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