Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Power of Words.

Mother fucking, cock-sucking son-of-a-bitch! I am so fucking angry right now I could kick the shit out of any stupid fuck standing right fucking next to me! Naw, not really. But I did want to make a point, create an emotion and response from anyone strolling by for a read. Words and their power. What is a word? I am not going to drag out the old, "Webster's defines word as..." crap. A word is a collection of letters, those letters make syllables which form sounds on our palettes, respective to the language spoken. Fuck. An F, a U, a C, and a K. Individually they mean nothing except the building blocks of our spoken and written language. Together I will argue that they continue to mean nothing, or, more accurately they mean only what one thinks it means. And that is where the power is. Fuck. Seeing it and reading it causes a reaction because, much like Pavlov's Dog, you were taught to have that reaction, conditioned against your will to respond a certain way (whether that response was exactly intentional or not), your brain was hijacked! Unhijack it and the power of that word, or any word, goes away. Now, of course we can't and don't even want to forget language or culture. We need it. But we can ignore the negativity inherent within it and by doing so, we minimize that power. Let me put it another way: Niggers! How did that one make you feel? Offended? That also means you are easy to control. If I know exactly how you are going to react in a given situation then I have power over you. Don't believe me? It is well documented that when humans get upset and emotional, they over-react, make mistakes and often (especially in today's media over-saturation) make themselves appear to be negative and hateful people, even if it is not true. Still don't believe me? Your fucking mother was a cheap whore that would do anything to keep her belly full of cum and your dad was her pimp and she ate shit on video for extra cash on weekends. How did that make you feel? Yet, upon closer examination, they are just words made up of syllables, constructed of letters. Our very minds betray us if we let it because in truth, I love your mother, she is a beautiful woman who raised you the best way she knew how. Feel better? You shouldn't because the actual truth is I have no idea who your mother is. Both lies and both used to manipulate others. Words, syllables and letters. That is all they really are. "But," you say, "guns are simply made up of metals and plastics and other things that on
their own can not harm." True enough but the difference between a gun and a word is vast. Take the words in a book. A letter exists on paper as ink in a pattern to create a shape in which we can recognize that promotes an idea in which we learned. It only has the meaning that we assign to it. A rifle is a physical construct designed for one purpose and when loaded and fired at a human, has a high probability of maiming or possibly killing that person regardless of the meaning they assign to the rifle. They're just words and if we continue to get upset or offended every time someone says or does something stupid, we are just as stupid as they are. By that logic we have become a very stupid society yet I am willing to bet you agree with me. Want to be your own person? Let go of the conditions and lessons taught to you which promote negativity and make you easily offended. Let them go because you will never, ever be able to change others through force, any kind of force. That is freedom from control you cannot buy and is the ultimate DIY. And never mistake (whether within yourself or others) kindness for weakness. Give power to good words, take power away from bad words. Your heart, as polluted as it may be by modern society, still knows the difference.


At 3:26 PM , Anonymous Millie said...

This is very true. You seem like a very wise person.


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