World's Strongest

My nephew and I AGAIN (I think this is the tenth or eleventh time) had the nerdcore discussion focusing on who would really win in a fight. For the sake of complete fantastical whimsy I will post my view of why the Japanese version of Superman (i.e. Goku/Kakarot)would win. While I have no doubt the Silver/Bronze age Superman would be able to go toe-to-toe with Goku (at least for a while), since his de-powerment of the 80's, Supes just doesn't have the raw strength to keep up.
Before Goku reached such illustrious heights of Super-Saiyan, in an average (in what they call a low level) fight, the Z gang with Goku at the fore, were fighting at such speeds as to be unviewable to the average human eye. In other words, they moved so fast as to not be perceived by mere mortals in an average, everyday fight.
Early on in the DBZ story, Z fighters routinely had to hold back their powers because even moderately powerful attacks would have destroyed the planet they were fighting on.
Goku, despite his innocence and pure-of-heart demeanor, loves to fight. Superman, although not afraid of a fight, is not what most would consider, a fighter. Goku's drive ensures he trains constantly and relentlessly, always seeking out stronger opponents. Superman is lazy. In his world he is one of the most powerful and thus never needs to push himself.
Goku died once and was essentially taken in by outer dimensional gods of the Asian pantheon and not only was allowed to keep his powerful physical form, but also was named guardian of this corner of the universe of our dimension and given special training by the gods themselves! Superman? He got a few talking crystals from his old man.
While Goku is widely considered the strongest of his lot, most of his lower level

And finally...
Goku, like Superman, is an alien but unlike Superman, Goku's amazing physiology makes him more powerful every time he is beaten close to, or to death. So even if Superman beat him multiple times, Goku would eventually come back strong enough to win. Even after death.
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