Karl Rove (aka Ralphie aka Turd Blossom) has resigned. He’s doing it for the good of his family. Wow, how noble. Oh yeah, and how convenient. Karl Rove is moving to Florida, by the way. Does anyone else realize this is merely an attempt to get clear of George dubya and work on Jeb for 2012. Sound far fetched? Hmm, let’s

see... College pranks that included stolen letterhead to ruin a democratic function. Multiple accusations directed towards political opponents, while baseless, can be argued that had devastating effects on those same opponents campaigns (look up Mark White, John McCain, Robert Edgeworth and Ann Richards). Oh yeah and there was that whole Cheney aid shooting. Don’t

know that one? Hmm, may I suggest researching Armstrong Ranch owners Karen Armstrong and her dad Tobin Armstrong. It’s not that any of this can be proven, Karl Rove seems to be made of Teflon. These details have surrounded everything he has been involved in and continue to do so. He has also been accused of being delusional because of his stance on the Bush administration having lowered spending, even though the opposite is clearly true. Delusional? Ha, I believe the only ones delusional about Rove are the

ones that call him so. Magic is simply the art of misdirection, get the subject to look one way while your doing something important in the other direction. Anyone that believes Karl Rove, Dick Cheney or any of the other Fourth Reich members are doing anything except making it so they themselves are ridiculously filthy rich and

powerful, forever, are the delusional ones. In my opinion, none of this has to do with, Jesus, terrorism, world peace or the safety of American citizens. It has to do with power and money. It’s a big game for big egos and it has destroyed what America once was. It has destroyed cultures and it has created enemies which will be long lasting, and it has been done on purpose (but that’s another blog). Karl Rove is leaving for now, I can only hope he won’t be back (Jeb ‘12). He is good for some humor though, he was quoted a saying, "I realize that some of the Democrats are Captain Ahab and I’m the great white

whale." Funny stuff as he clearly misheard them criticizing his weight, skin tone and the fact he is a dick. Also, to be Captain Ahab, you have to be hopelessly obsessed with something that isn’t true and to be Moby Dick you have to be a large, mutant whale. Well he got half of it right but the truth is Democrats aren’t obsessed with Karl Rove, they have good reason to go after him. We can only hope one day this photo will become truth.
good blog, yo! Fuck Ralphie!
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