Thursday, August 16, 2007

A Need for a Quest...

My partner, good friend and sometimes alleged gay lover Karl Bakla and myself had a deep, meaning ful conversation about how we were going to spend the rest of our lives. We wondered aloud what kind of challenges and obstacles we would face. We speculated about what issue, desire or goal would become our personal holy grail. Then it came to us, clear as day or a burning bush from God herself (No, not the lyrics for Jungle Love) We decided with great trepidation and uncertainty that irregardless of anything else that we may do, no matter how incoherent we may articulate, we must, nay are compelled, NAY it is our solemn duty to find the Holy Grail!!! Yes the actual Holy Grail, the very same one that Jesus drank out of, the very same cup that is a metaphor for youth, nature and immortality, the same one that Nigel Terry drank from in that flick about that sword thingy, the very same cup that Indiana Jones found than subsequently lost saving that hot blonde chick! Hell yeah! First, of course we’ve gotta find Kilgore Trout. He’ll be able to get us started in the right direction. From then on I’m sure we’ll meet a few modern day Nazis (which, of course makes them much less competent than the originals). We’ll probably restart the order of the Templar Knights, mostly because we’ll get really cools outfits, of course. Also we’ll get cool devices to help unlock those really wicked puzzles, probably face a vicious albino and who knows what else. Ultimately, it won’t be about the grail, but about the quest and it will be cool! Hell, we’ll probably get to meet the Pope himself!


At 10:52 PM , Blogger Karl Bakla said...

the beat us to it

At 1:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

let me save you sometime... the grail is not a cup but an ideal and a bloodline... yes this does sound like that dan brown novel... but after reading that i de some researh on the net and in several books both supporting and against it....

read up dude, i hate religion but learning that the church is a 2 thousand year old hoax made it worth learning about the fucked up religion... contantine started the church as a way to make money.. no bull shit, check out books such as "the turin shroud", "luciferi" "the girl with the alibaster jar" and many others that will be listed in any of these books... fuck religion read this and prove to your religious friends that there just selfish hate mongers!

At 7:28 AM , Blogger Karl Bakla said...

you got dissed

At 6:33 PM , Blogger Adam Smasher said...

Wha-?! Everyone knows that Indiana Jones found that shit, yo! It's still sitting in a crevice in the desert and we're gonna find it!

At 6:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think what the hateful one is trying to say is that you are ignorant and silly. It is widely known that the grail is just a metaphor and you can't really find it except through maturity and wisdom. As Mr. Bakla so succinctly put it, "You got dissed."

At 7:11 PM , Blogger Karl Bakla said...

Danny stop posting anonymous comments making it seem like someone else is defending you, by way Adam, who would have thought that a joke about the Holy Grail would cause such a debate, where's Kamikaze Kurt & Crasskins in this debate! I'd like to add that no one quite knows what the holy grail is or is not or if it actually exists, I will tell you that 40ozs of beer really exist some say the first Fix 7” is the holy grail of punk rock recording collecting, in closing last time I saw Danny this upset he beat up some gigantic dweeb in front of Roberto’s Taco shop on Maryland Parkway, but I guess I should save that story for my blog….

At 10:00 PM , Blogger Adam Smasher said...

Are these people serious? The Holy Grail is everyone's personal search for truth and purity in a corrupt and damaged world.

At 10:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

IRREGARDLESS (WTF), Adam, and we all know you're right. . . you did get dissed . . . and you got dissed by Danny . . . ha ha

I think the Holy Grail can be found at the Fest in Gainesville this October. $600 p/person (flight & 4 nts at host/part mecca hotel, rental car). Are you in?

At 6:15 AM , Blogger Adam Smasher said...

Oh, if you know me and have read my blogs, you should know that "irregardless" variations of "articulating coherently" and other even more subtle clues are a sign that what you are reading is either complete bullshit or done tongue in cheek. When you learn who Kilgore Trout is, I hope you'll understand.

At 7:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

by the way anonymous was wrong i know nothing about maturity and wisdom so that was not my meaning.. you did get dissed by the way... and i dit not mean you were ignorant and silly.. i knew your guys meaning... but i find this subject facinating cause my mom is super religious to the point were she reads scripture to the grandkids and listens to christian radio so when she trys to go on some your going to hell tirade i can pull some shit out my ass and dissprove everything she has learned from the bible and make her say yeah well i believe so there... and it doesnt end there it goes the same for everyother christian out there your wrong your religion is bogus and there is literary proof and hhistory is not wrong you are just blind and ignorant. with that said indiana jones is a fag... ill kick his fucking ass and shove that cup up his hot blonde girlfriends ass and shell think for a split second that i am god... hell yeah

At 9:41 AM , Blogger Kamikaze Kurt said...

danny you're too fucking much! hell yeah! but i think everybody got this whole thing wrong. the need for a quest, as in vision quest (not that horrible movie with Matthew Modine from the 80s). to have some kind of quest is because something is lost in your life and you need to go searching for it. life is about going with the flow and living it and take whats coming and going where youre going, not following some ideological b.s. but if that's what people need to live their boring lives, that's them. i don't need no quest - life is adventerous enough. as far as the holy grail and shit - god/devil doesn't exsist, so obviously its all b.s. too, there's no such thing as evil either... all evil is, is an extreme reactionary feeling to something that was done (typically considered bad). because god doesn't exsist, the whole idea of having some kind of holy crusades through having a sausage party called the knights templar is a waste. to search for holy artifacts, whether it's the grail, the spear, crown of thorns, etc... is fruitless. who was jesus? maybe he was some kind of punk rock hippie in his day, but that would be like chasing after karl bakla's fanzines, music, and artwork two thousand years after he's dead.

At 9:42 AM , Blogger Kamikaze Kurt said...

btw - i'm dead fucking tired so i don't make sense, and if you can't understand what i'm trying to say, then don't and die!

At 5:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hell yeah im glad i made everyone get there panties in a bunch after something i said.. so in a way i found my holy grail and its to make people think for a second then say fuck that guy hes an asshole... i have now a new search in my life.. i at one point thought i could just slam it to any whore, pussy is pussy, i am now faced with that in the coming week can i face the demon set before me and atcually make it come or will i "pussy" out to make a pun.... we will see.

At 6:25 PM , Blogger Adam Smasher said...

Y'know, what I'm most dissapointed about regarding all of these comments is that no one remarked at the absolutely frightening McDonalds Corporate advertisement of a baby, computer enhanced to look like Ronald. Yikes.

At 7:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is esoteric non sense

At 2:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think that anonymous is a pompous jack ass!!

At 5:33 PM , Blogger Kamikaze Kurt said...

Adam, funny enough I was going to mention something about that baby Ronald McDonalds - it is fucking creepy... but i'm not going to start on a rant about huge corporations

At 10:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that Danny is a faggott & I will beat the shit out of him if I ever run into him! Judging from Danny's comments he sounds like a virgin except for his ass which has seen more than it's fair share of dick inserted into it.

At 12:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

if Danny found the holy grail it would be his penis

At 1:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have experimented with homosexuality before I like the taste of cum in my mouth. When I get fucked in the rump it feels good. I have aids!

At 8:42 AM , Blogger Karl Bakla said...

I don’t think anyone thinks of this as a shock

At 1:06 AM , Blogger Kamikaze Kurt said...

and the enegizer bunny keeps going going going going going going... hell yeah! nothing like stirring people's anger and passions - the question is now, what are they going to do about it? just talk shit or are they going to take action?! and if all you're going to do is talk, then i'll know that you're probably the asshole that voted for Bush!

At 10:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even drunk, I will not surrender to CSA!


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