Maybe I'm just crazy?
I was thinking recently that it would be a damned fine idea to start my own religion. Think
about it. I’m the messiah! I could tell people to do what I wanted and needed done, I would demand a tithing of various foods and three comely lasses every change of seasons, I could demand guys to fall on their own swords. We’re talking really cool stuff here! All joking aside, religion seems like the only way to really get stuff done. I mean with all of the evils in this world, crime, rape, incest, murder and the Bush Administration, it seems that really all you have to do is pick that one "hot button" topic and you will hold sway over a huge voter base. Need an example? Bush (and most other Republicans) promote big business at the cost of the environment and the individual, they are against the rights of the workers, they’re for the separation of classes leading to blatant financial discrimination (which, by the way, is becoming more prominent everyday), they’re foreign policy is literally shoot first and don’t bother with questions. But (and here is the big but!) they’re against abortion. Why? It’s
killing babies! "We can’t murder babies!" the deeply religious and soulful people of this country cry. And, viola! Bush is elected and we not only have one of the biggest assholes that ever held that office but we also have many fully grown adults dying every day and abortions still happen (and would still happen regardless whether it was legal or not). The point is this; an issue like abortion will cause normally rational and sane people to act in a completely emotional and irrational fashion because they believe in some abstract form of higher power and the representatives of that power (i.e. priests, bishops, etc) say abortion is murder, even though the bible says nothing about abortion. Hence causing the right (or left as it were) candidate whom is very strong on social equality and justice, is against big business and is very much for the rights of the individual, to lose an election. All because of religion. Talk about your chest deep bullshit. Now that we have been reminded why religion is so damned powerful and scary, let’s talk turkey (no thanksgiving pun
intended). I feel very strongly about a few very large issues in our world. These issues are not only large in scale, but large in repercussions for our future. If these became ingrained in some sort of religious doctrine maybe we could change some things. On to my list of top three religious tenants. I know you’re thinking global warming, but you’re wrong. The first one is overpopulation. I feel that this problem is the big one, as it were. We can see the effects already here in this country and we’re not even bad. Just research Bangladesh and you’ll know what I mean. Not to mention global warming is a by-product of population. Methane is a greenhouse gas and it’s release into our atmosphere is growing faster than even carbon-dioxide. Do you know what causes methane? Landfills and sewage. All of our shit (figuratively and literally). Most Christian religions promote lots and lots of children. We’re taught that children are a blessing (hell, even I sometimes hope to have one more someday. I do stress sometimes). It is
partially instinct and partially conditioned that it is our right to have as many children as we want. Did you know that this idea initially came out of the dark ages from the church to promote repopulation after the various plagues? Don’t misunderstand, I even come from a fairly large family and I love them all. I’m only talking about a progressive idea for the future.
The next largest issue is the environment. I don’t pretend to have all of the answers regarding social economic problems but I do know that a whole helluva lot of sacrifices have to be made. We should be acting as stewards of the earth and not masters of it. The rate we’re going, they’re may not be much of an earth left in two hundred years and we’ll be masters of a dust ball.
The final issue of my fledgling religion is the rights of the individual. Ideally, you are responsible for your own behavior and
your rights to act how you want will not be questioned as long as those actions do not put you in direct conflict with another’s rights as an individual. Of course the particulars will have to be worked out. Anyway, I guess this is partly a challenge also. Using these three (and only these three) tenants, can I/you/we build a pseudo religious/philosophical framework that can serve as a blueprint for social change? Does the idea seem a bit crazy? Too challenging or way outta your league? Don’t be silly. It may not be the best comparison but Hitler and his cronies formed the Nazi party over beers in a bar in Berchtesgaden and look at all the crap
he did. Also, Jesus was one guy. At the very least it will be an interesting challenge. Send your manifestos to and I’ll slap it all together and post it all on a later blog. Think I’m off my rocker. Let me know by whining in the comment section and continue to do nothing for anyone other than yourself. You want change? Fucking act like it! Note: I do realize this may seem like it goes against my very first blog but ask yourself who would this framework be for. Certainly not the successful anarchist.

The next largest issue is the environment. I don’t pretend to have all of the answers regarding social economic problems but I do know that a whole helluva lot of sacrifices have to be made. We should be acting as stewards of the earth and not masters of it. The rate we’re going, they’re may not be much of an earth left in two hundred years and we’ll be masters of a dust ball.
The final issue of my fledgling religion is the rights of the individual. Ideally, you are responsible for your own behavior and

Great fucking post… By the way I got something out of your post I can use for my campaign.
Karl Bakla will keep beer legal. Which makes people assume the other candidates will make it illegal. Since I’m the one throwing out the accusation they will be the bad guys that are on the defense. Now we all know beer won’t become illegal. It’s like when those ignorant people were worried that the sanctity of marriage would be ruined by gay marriage. Like the sanctity of marriage wasn’t already ruined by most heterosexual couples already, as it his fuck sanctity! Remember when all those idiots went out & voted for Bush solely on the Gay Marriage issue, thanks a lot look where your sanctity of marriage got us. I wonder how many people who voted for Bush for something stupid think to them selves right now “I made the right decision” oh, my mistake in our culture people are to weak to admit to a mistake, what ever! I really do believe if people were more educated they would care, as it is most people are to dumb to care. I’ve heard them all before “you think to much”, “why do you care”, “politics is a bad thing to talk about”…etc I wonder if these people think they are being clever when they say these bad clichés. So I guess I will start the religion of education. I have to go, I get the opportunity to work on my day off today, yeah this is going to suck!
i agree with you and bakla.... but the answer is no religion, not a new one... blah blah blah religion bad blah blah blah. so now how do we do that?
With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.
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