Yeah, yeah। I’m sure you’re fed up with all of the over analyzing and who said what, who scored more points, yada yada yada. I only want to touch on my personal beliefs of what was important about this debate and how each ones performances (yes, I did say performances) affected my decision regarding whom I will vote for. Preemptive note: Sen. Joe Biden hit it right on the head; which candidate will be strong enough in a difficult time to act. That’s it. So with that in mind...

John Edwards: A bit pretentious and certainly aggressive. I don’t think any of his comments were uncalled for, however। I do feel it’s ok to get a little angry over the state of our union and John Edwards seemed rightly so. He only really attacked Clinton and I think justly. He didn’t lose any points with me. I’m not sure he would be assertive enough in office, however.

Chris Dodd: Tried to stay out of any mudslinging and had some really great comments regarding the issues। Overall though, just didn’t get a sense of assertiveness or charisma from him. Certainly seemed seasoned if not wholly genuine. I admit, I kinda liked him though. Sadly, he is probably one of the better candidates but we’ll never know it. I certainly liked his stance on education.

Barack Obama: At times seemed uncertain (or at least was trying to carefully choose his words) but all in all not bad। I also feel he rightly criticized Clinton and I do like that he places himself firmly opposed to Clinton’s style of leadership. His foreign policy ideas seem solid but he does seem to be slipping into a more popular style of campaigning, talking and saying a whole lotta nothing.

Hillary Clinton: She loves to tout her record of fighting for universal health care। She loves talking about her years of experience. That’s really all she says and she says even less than Obama. But, honestly, let’s face it, she is a corporate lackey. Sorry, I believe it and no matter how much money she spends to change her image I wouldn’t vote for her even if it is turned into a gender issue.

Dennis Kucinich: Certainly seemed well versed in the politics of the day। Definitely not afraid to voice his views and opinions against others. Probably one of the more intellectual of the candidates (or at least seemed so tonight). Overall though, he just seemed a bit bitter. Don’t misunderstand, he is justified in that regarding our current President and I can be a bit bitter myself. Just not sure I want that for our next President. Then again, maybe with the power to act, he would be more positive.

Bill Richardson: This guy was loud, had some alternative views and wasn’t afraid to state those views। I liked him instantly. Despite his charisma, I didn’t agree with a lot of what he had to say but at least he said something. I think he would be a very assertive president but I think in a world where we very much need to reach out and revive our positive foreign policy agendas, Bill Richardson is a bit of an isolationist. Maybe if he runs in 2012 or 2016, hmm.

Joe Biden: A very engaging guy। By far one of the more seasoned politicians in the debate he also seemed one of the most genuine (second only to Richardson). Joe Biden was so seasoned that even with what little he did say, he seemed to imply volumes. I feel he has the will and desire to act. Joe Biden to me seemed the strongest of the candidates. Sadly, I’m not too sure what it is he stands for but then again, history proves that most candidates act differently once they get in office anyway.
Think I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about? Think I’m totally off base or a complete sexist because of my opposition to Hillary? Hell, don’t just sit there and fume, write me back and tell me what a douche’ I am. At least we’ll start some much needed dialog! By the way I wrote this instead of seeing the Shook Ones with Karl.
At first I thought you didn’t like Hillary Clinton because she was a corporate scum bag but after your comment about a split tail not making a good president I knew you were just sexists. I didn’t bother watching the debate because two minutes ago I decided to write in Karl Bakla for president, feel free to choose your own vice president.
ill be vice pres.. but only if i get to shoot someone in the face and then make them apolagize to me for getting in the way of my bullit.
i wish i could say ive paid more attention to the debates but i havent, npr is my only source of info on the candates. npr seems to follow only barrack and hilary, most of the candidates you mentioned except of the ones i just mentioned and john edward i dont even know who they are. from what ive heard on npr, hilary has nothing to say and barrack is firmly against hilary so i have no clue as to whats going on. i dont want to vote for any of the democrats at the moment... i might go for a nonpartisan candidate come next fall. but it would be a wasted vote... though im sure that can be argued, i have yet to find a candidate in the past few elections i wanted to register to vote for... so should i just throw it at someone just to say i voted i dont think so, but then again if you dont vote and someone you didnt want in office is elected do you have the right to bitch, the majority would say no. so then what are you supposed to do? do you just vote for someone who opposed someone you dont want to win?
Karl bakla and Danny hatefuck in 2008 that is what I will be writing in. I never thought being against Hilary was a sexists thing until you mentioned that is not the reason you are not voting for her you sexist ass hole. I vote what I know and that is power violence Karl and Danny know about these issues. What are the issues you may ask power violence and bandana thrash revival. I will be doing a double looped circle pit for Karl bakla and Danny hatefuck in 2008
i wonder if we could acctually put our selves on the bill?
Will can be write in candidates
"At least we’ll start some much needed dialog!" Way to go Adam, fuck apathy of any kind - and the way things are going, especially political apathy. Some kind of involvement is better than no involvement at all!
We all need to open our windows and shout: "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!"
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