During the last few days my co-workers all found out that I was leaving the fabulous Stardust Hotel and Casino for greener pastures over at the Frontier Resort Casino. All of the congratulatory remarks made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. But my analytical side made several observations about the reactions of everyone that knew and how they reacted. I can break the reactions down into three very distinct groups: The Good: "Congratulations!" These people looked me in the eyes when they said it and seemed at least fairly sincere. The Bad: "Really? Oh, ok." or simply said nothing at all. These people looked me in the eyes and did not hide behind social pleasantries nor half hearted positive remarks. These individuals were few but respectable in their actions. Finally, we have the Ugly: "Good for you." The funny thing about these sheep is that

not a single one of them looked me in the eyes when they said it and every one of them said the same thing, "Good for you." as they glanced somewhere around my nipples, my shoes, somewhere in the distance or the worst, their shoes. Why are they ugly, you ask? Well, they are the true tools of society. They are set in the social machinations of what is acceptable yet lack any passion or empathy to care about anyone beyond themselves. Don’t misunderstand, there is no love lost between myself and the "Ugly" so labeled in this article. I expected their responses and in fact, a few of them are the main reasons I searched for employment elsewhere. I was amused

by the details of their reactions and the fact that I was able to predict this group pretty accurately (probably why I didn’t care for them in the first place)। Of course some of the labeled "Good" ones could, in fact, be very effective tools but now I verge on over-analyzing. I’m not really trying to say anything with this blog (that I am conscious of) other than the observations and reactions of my co-workers and how it applies to my world view. You don’t like it, well then let me know why. But please support your argument and as Karl and I say, "Don’t be a Spirit-bee!"
PS Hell, I’m even going to see the Shook Ones so you had better fucking be there!
I think it’s hard for some people to be happy for other people. Even though I’m sad I won’t be able to hang out as much I’m very happy to see you moving on up to better things! As for the Debbie Downers, fuck em’!
i disagree a little... they are more than likly looking away and at there shoes or other wise because they lack the courage to stand up for them selves, and leave, t"he good for you" is of course not sinscere. they done wish you well cuase there still stuck, but i do agree fuck them. they are just debbie downers.
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