We’ve all heard it, talked about it or seen it on TV. John loves Mary but Mary loves Ken. Ken, on the other hand, is secretly gay and loves Phil. Phil is desperately in love with his wife Agnus. Agnus really only loves herself and semi-regularly sleeps with John, a guy named Larry and her neighbor around the corner Phyllis. John suffers from low self esteem for this reason and Larry doesn’t really care where he throws it around but secretly has a long time crush on Susie. Susie doesn’t really know any of these people except for Larry and Agnus. Susie and Agnus experimented with lesbianism in high school with each other but to Susie, it was like another life. Agnus, although incredibly self absorbed, secretly longs for the feelings she felt with Susie. This misplaced understanding makes Agnus feel as if she loves Susie. Also,

Agnus’ child is really John’s. Susie is seeing a new guy Jack, who seems like one in a million catch, but has difficulty getting close to anyone because he has been hurt so many times. Remember Phyllis? She actually is incredibly embittered and insular, her only outlet is the casual relationship with Agnus. Jack (the one in a million catch) is lying to himself about Susie and has settled into a "good enough for now" mentality. Remember John and Mary? They had a brief passionate relationship years ago and... Well, I think you get my point. I could go on and on but no matter how outrageous this story gets, I’m willing to bet that; A.) Someone has a stranger twist and B.) You have all been a part of this kind of tangled web whether you knew it or not. What the hell is the matter with us? Can’t we just make it right? I’ve been thinking

about all of this lately (or at least how it pertains to me) and I saw a commercial for a CD regarding songs of Worship. Yep, that’s right, Christian mother fucking rock! Hell ya!!! Anyway, we all know how derivative it can be but today I listened to the lyrics and...POW!!! I began to understand why so many people my age turn to Jesus and commit their undying love. It really has nothing to do with spirituality (or lack thereof). It has to do with passion. No, I’m not talking about the Holy Spirit or any crap like that. I’m talking about human to human passion. We move around these circles and whether through sabotage from others or ourselves, we find them ultimately frustrating and painful. The

longer we go around the harder it is to feel close to anyone. If we commit our love to a perfect idea of what love is, we no longer have to be hurt (or as hurt) as our idea could never hurt us because it’s as real (or unreal) as we want it. Yeah, ok, it’s lacking on the "sex" side, but hey, emotionally it’s solid, if imaginary. Ok, don’t worry, I’ve haven’t found Jesus and I didn’t buy that CD (ok I did get a copy off of Limewire). I just wanted to make this hypothesis based off of my observations and musings so let me know what you think. I also think that the reason so many religious people are close minded and intolerant proves that they obviously aren’t religious for the right reasons even if my above hypothesis isn’t exactly correct.
As for the songs of worship CD I like the song “I can sing for your love forever…” I think the band is called Delirious… gag, vomit! As I get older I often wonder why more people don’t listen to punk, fuck I was reading the lyrics to the Off With Their Heads LP while drinking beer, I can really appreciate where they are coming from. Who knows why we do these self destructive things that end up fucking up relationships we’re in? I will tell you & maybe this goes back to your last blog, several years ago I woke up one morning a few weeks after Elaine left me & I realized “Fuck, I was a real ass hole” I wondered why I was such an ass hole & then I realized that I never told her how I felt, I would bottle everything up, walk around like a dick, & when the stress got to much I’d be a fucking ass hole. At that point I felt bad that I treated her so badly but I also felt like it was “good riddance”. I cleaned up my house & decided that I would enter relationships being more open with my feelings. If I’m upset I don’t avoid the possibility of an argument but I am very conscious of the other person feelings when I share my concern…what ever. Wow, this is like the first Sunday in ages I haven’t woken up with a hang over, if feels… good!
blah blah blah open feelings blah blah blah... your more than likely right but so fucking what, you never really know what someone else is thinking or if there happy with how open you are or not... i think there isnt much you can do to keep a relationship together i think its more wheather both parties are cumfortable where there at and not willing to do it all over again.
im not trying to be an asshole here, so sorry if it came off as that, but in my opinion its wheather your willing to settle for someone or not... though thats not to say that you cant settle and not have real feelings.
Danny, I agree with you completely. Well said!
With your mind set you would probably be much happier being single. If your mind set doesn't assure it
honestly i dont how id be happy either way.. and dont really care, im not pursueing anything but playing in a band and trying to forget that my job sucks right now. i talk to someone regularly but were both so busy that we never have time to get together and i dont really care either way, we talk about cool shit so whatever.
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