Every once in a while, whether by introspection, luck or divine process we are granted clarity. Ok, ok that’s bullshit. We have the ability to see clearly all of the time. When we are not distracted by the bullshit we surround our selves with, that is. Sometimes though, it’s hard to see things as they are. At least for me, at first, I have trouble seeing things for what they are. I get overcome with details that I can’t initially see the whole picture. Ok, no biggie and no surprise, right? Hey, sometimes I just gotta relax and see with open eyes. I get it, it’s a personal quirk. And people close to me wonder why I don’t initially comment on something I’ve seen for the first time. Is it because I’m stupid? Slow? Oh hell, I

don’t know and I’m really not the point of this blog. What is the point is that ALL of us sometimes don’t initially understand what we see. Sometimes it’s the lack of details, sometimes too many details and sometimes it’s the structured promotion of specific details designed to confuse us. This last one, by the way, is called propaganda. As our first example, let’s use immigration... Right now in this country immigration is what they call a hot button issue. It get’s people’s blood pumping. We have been repeatedly told that these foreigners are taking our jobs. These immigrant laborer’s are driving down salaries because companies don’t have to pay them as much. The details that are left out or generally glossed over is that immigration is the very system that has

created this country and is responsible for our diverse culture over the entire 231 years (and 200+ years before that, even longer if you count the ice bridge over the Bering Strait). Also in all of that time, immigrants are never the sole or primary reason why wages go down. How about one more little detail to throw in the mix. The Nazi’s (masters of propaganda) used a concerted propaganda campaign to foment historic and cultural intolerance of Jews as scapegoats to many of their own social problems and to distract the public as a whole. Sound familiar? Research it, I’m not making this shit up. Second example... Abortion. Talk about a hot button issue! First things first. I am personally a very pro-life individual. I believe that people should own up to their responsibilities. I would never want anyone I am with to willfully abort a pregnancy (except for extenuating

circumstances). Politically I am Pro-Choice. Why? Because many religious people would have you believe (and spend money in various propaganda campaigns) that human life is sacred and begins at the moment of conception. The funny thing is that these same religious people are very quick to lean on the bible to prove many of their points. The bible, however, says nothing about abortion. Science has determined that a fetus begins to develop brain wave patterns in the beginning of the second trimester. This is why abortions beyond the first trimester are illegal except in extenuating circumstances. History has also proven that women seek out abortions whether legal or

not, often (when illegal) resulting in death for the woman due to infection. But most of what you hear is how human life is so important. Yet (as mentioned in a previous blog) sperm and eggs are a form of human life. Let’s, of course, not forget the millions of people that are murdered around the globe for various political, social, economic reasons. Think Sudan, Iraq, Afganistan, The diamond trade, and on and on and on. Righteousness is not clarity, it’s the other way around. That’s about all I have to say as I don’t want to end this blog with some silly arrogant wrap-up because I’m sure I’ll fuck up and not see the big picture and make bold comments about it in the future. Just do me a favor and call me on it. After all, the only thing I really want is clarity.
there is no problem with being pro life.. in fact id say that me karl crasskins all of us are prolife.. we dont support war or murder or drugs (heroin etc) we dont condone pointless hunting for fun like it seems people hunt simply for fun not for food and anyway if your claiming to do it for food wouldnt it be easier and cheaper to go buy a steak for the market... anyway the point is were all pro life... but when it comes to abortion were pro choice.. and not to say that people should use it as birth control, noone should support that, but in the case of a fuck up in the heat of the moment you said fuck the condom it happened once and youll never make that mistake again blah blah blah your not ready to support a kid financially or way more importantly emotionally and of course rape victims, should they have to raise a child from that.. true its not the childs fault but should she be reminded of that for the rest of her life? its a personal choice just let it be a choice... and you said it right its not consious till the second trimester. and its not a waste of life, the research behind t-cells used from aborted feces could save lives in the future, couldnt you then say that being pro choice is also pro life?
I think I have the same personal feelings about abortion as you do Adam, which is why I had my nuts snipped which is cool, girls that I have dated since love the experience of a warm gushing flow of white magma squirting out of my 3 millimeter peter into their vaginas. There is one thing… I support fourth trimester abortions. By the why I don’t mind going down on a girl after I have squirted into them, haven’t we all lapped off our own cum off a set of tits at least once, how come I’m the only one raising my hand?
Actually I'm for 57th to 72nd Trimester abortions but anything else, no way! BTW, this blog isn't supposed to be about abortion.
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I've only had one moment of clarity ever in my life. I often think back on it though.
So there I was at work doing my usual nothing when it hit me! "Fucking work is the lamest shit I could be doing right now." Then I cried.
I've actively sought confusion, chaos, and disorientation ever since.
i dont even know what clarity means... thats why i commented on abortion... by the way i support my own abortion right now which would ive calculated to be aproxematley my 120th trimester, lets seee the holy rollers try to stop this one.. accctually you know whats funny is they fully support abortion after birth, but its not called abortion its called abandonment, orphanages, a life of crime, prison, war, death sentenses, police brutality... etc
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