Since I've been doing some serious writing lately my blog has been a bit neglected. Oh well, enjoy this weird pic, I thought it summed up being a teen-ager (and hell, even how I've mostly felt as an adult) quite nicely. Stay tuned for my take on attending the Nevada Caucus...
I think the Caucus is stupid
personally i do too.. a guy at work told me that he always voted at the caucus and thinks it important to because then you can have your fav candidate become the party candidate... i wonder if your voteing on the party race then if your candidate is not voted to be the party candidate i think it really is a wasted vote cause now you cant vote for whos gonna be president... the party race is stupid, but i guess thats the american way to fight and bicker amongst each other all the while putting blame elsewhere
personally i would rather wait till the party candidates have been elected then theyll let the other candidates participate, you know i think its just a way to make the american retarded public think that they have to choose from either republican or democrat, i bet if they let every candidate enter at the same time then the other party candidates would get eqaul attention and equal press and it would be a fair fight and a true american election... oh well fuckit.... im seriously not impressed with either candidate the only news i get is the drive in to work and sometimes after work on npr so i dont get a lot of info about the candidates but enough to come to the conclusion that they arent what im looking for.
goddamit.... that last comment was me i fucked up on signing it
I pretty much agree with you... the media has already told you who the top two democrats are, fuck this system! Fuck all the excited democrats, if they would have gave a shit when we needed them to give a shit... argh!
Shut the fuck up you whining pieces of shit! First of all, this blog isn't even about that, it's the next one. Second, why are you whining about it? Yes, everything you say is mostly true. Yes, the caucus system is flawed. Yes, the media is horrible in the way it represents candidates. But what the fuck did you do about it? Just bitch and whine about how it's not fair? As fucked up as it all was (the caucus), at least people we're out there trying to do something. But that's for my next blog.
Can't wait till your observation on the caucus, since you did go! Hopefully it'll stir up debate and heated arguments because it will make people think and even possibly take action. While I agree with Danny here, I await patiently...
id really like to kick you in the nuts
As the biggest whiner I know I sure as shit hope you were joking about that since I’ve heard that comment thrown at you a million times. The thing is I’m not one of those people who thinks “my vote doesn’t count” but as for the caucus it’s just another way to alienate the candidates who aren’t as popular making their voice even smaller, so I applaud you for helping keep the media’s top runners the top runners, wow you accomplished nothing. As for the caucus I couldn’t have gone if I wanted to half the casino floor was there, I know a lot of coworkers who didn’t give a shit about current events in 2004 wanted to go, fuck them. This is what they chose & now they can’t live with it, you must have been in good company, don’t worry these people will abandon this newly “enlightened” stance within’ 8 years. I’m glad that you think that by attending a caucus it makes you politically active, how sad. As for what I did lately I wrote a letter in outrage about Dennis Kucinich not being able to participate in the recent Nevada Debate which might have had an effect on the caucus but yet you still took part. I know, I hear what people say about Dennis Kucinich, I’ve heard it in the media & they are just repeating the same bullshit. By the way I’m not even backing Kucinich I’m just pissed off about what happened. Way to go!
I'd also like to kick him is the nuts
Quit bickering it is obvious that Adam is a Democrat. Democrats want change but not real change that is the reason for the Caucus. I’m disappointed in my power violence brothers for not picking up on that one. I prefer anarchism & I also believe you need a kick in the nuts.
adam your a dick!
I have no opinion on the matter. I do think you do need a kick in the nuts
I am absolutely fascinated by these comments!!! I write very opinionated blogs about my take on anarchy, abortion and immigration, then I make a statement about having attended a caucus and I get all of this! You guys a hilarous! Thank you for the laughs. Are you guys really taking yourselves so seriously?
I think the thing is you made it seem like you were "doing something" by attending the caucus
thats what i gathered like your were so fucking special because you participated i was thinking to myself does he think he is actually doing something by attending these onesided caucuses which i think shut everyone else out and avoided real change it just goes to show that if you have money you can have the party support you but if not you have to wait till the last moment to join the race and have no chance in hell. becuase people are not aware of your stance or are no longer interested because they have already used there vote a year earlier on a caucus.
and when we stated that we think the caucus suck ass and they are basicall un fair you spouted off about how proud of your self you were to have contributed to it.
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