Hits and Misses...

As you may or may not know, last Saturday was the Republican and Democratic Caucus’ held in Nevada. The week that led up to it was marred a bit by some court controversy between Clinton and Obama. The Nevada caucus’ took the place of the Primary elections for this election season. Because I feel it is a necessity to vote, I made sure to attend my precinct’s caucus. But before I get into that, let me bring you up to speed on my political leanings... I am an Anarchist of the Emma Goldman variety. Deep down I believe that if we can achieve a strong sense of personal responsibility, we do not need to be governed (Read the Tao Te Ching for another insight to this but of course, like Karl Marx’s dream, this seems impractical on a widespread scale). I also believe in the Republican ideal
as it pertains to a German business model that creates a corporation that works for the community, not individual share holders thereby reducing the need for big government (although this practice is in place in India, it remains to be seen how it will work on a large scale). While it can be argued that these (like religions) are in fact similar in overall goals and practices to socialism, it is the details in which so many people disagree. Therefore, I am a registered Democrat. I know, seems like some goofy joke. Anyway, I attended my precincts’s caucus with a little background as to how it went and a few arguments ready to convince non-viable groups to join my group. I went in with as open a mind as I could. Every group was viable except the lone Kucinich supporter and he decided to leave once everything started instead of joining another group so I never got to argue anything. Turnout to the caucus was much greater than expected. The few older people running things were simply overwhelmed with the amount of people and didn’t have enough supplies to keep up. I have two feelings on
this, 1.) Wow, it was great to see such passion for this election, and 2.) Like Karl, I felt these fucking moobs won’t give a shit in four or eight years and are only passionate because they hate (or resent voting for) Bush and/or either hate the idea of a woman running, a black man running or both. Despite this I secretly harbor hopes that maybe more people (because of this current knee jerk voter/candidate empathy) will continue to vote after this and continue to get more involved. A few observations about the process... Clinton supporters in my precinct are bullies and tried to bulldog the older people running the show. Thankfully there also were a few of us willing to speak up and keep these ex-Bush supporters in check. Edwards, Obama supporters and the lone Kucinich supporter, on the whole seemed very open to discuss, talk, debate, listen, keep a clear head and remain positive during the hour or so leading up to the proceedings. Clinton supporters stayed quite, did not want to engage in anything and seemed more comfortable casting dirty looks. A few were open but not most of them. For this reason it further cements my belief that Clinton is part of the original
"Reaganomics" conspiracy and her propaganda is fomenting fear in most people making them unwilling to actually think. Like my friend Karl Bakla, I hate the media and how they portray candidates, it focus’ on the money race and only gives the highest earners any real coverage. Even my beloved NPR was terribly deficient in this way. After attending the caucus I can say I’m not sold on the idea and still lean towards regular Primary elections. I am a reserve Delegate and may get to cast my final vote in March but at least I am vested in seeing this process through even though I don’t really like it as any delegate can really vote anyway they please regardless of which group they supported during the caucus. At least with the Primary election, one vote is one vote. On State of Nevada the other day one caller complained that now neighbors won’t talk
to each other because of the caucus and their individual leanings, and she said it as a negative. I myself thought of it as an incredible positive, because they obviously weren’t talking about this stuff before so maybe they’ll get over their hurt feelings and actually begin a dialog about the issues and such. Another caller made the statement that despite the issues, organization is easier to fix than voter apathy. I really hope she’s right.

I have also heard about the Clinton people acting like bullies from coworkers. I also heard that same NPR show & I rolled my eyes while driving. People afraid to talk to their neighbors afterwards, what neighborhood does this dumb bitch live in? Just about every neighborhood I’ve ever lived in Las Vegas you’re neighbors won’t talk to you because you are another human being & human beings are scary. The majority of descriptions I have heard from the caucus were not so perfect, un organized, flawed…etc. I myself am not a fan of primaries or the caucus. I don’t find it fair to be doing this at this point or any point. I say let every ass hole run for president at the same time in one big election. It is too early to be getting rid of other candidates. Will those other candidates stand a chance, no! But the “fringe” candidates are important they are willing to bring up the topics that front runners are afraid to talk about. These two people races make it so much easier for the mainstream candidates to only cover the handful of topics they want to talk about.
I thought it was funny that you were called a democrat, I almost spit out my tea reading it. Let me be the first person to say on this comment page only because it was so popular on your last blog…. You need a kick in the nuts.
I’m getting drunk tonight!
i love the Tao, it's one of my guiding philosophies in life!
I can find a good independent, I'll more than likely vote for that person. As much as I support Obama, there are better alternatives out there. In voter years I always wonder if a Parliamentary system would've been better, that way the minority does have a better say and if the bigger people want to stay in power they have to form a coalition with the minority party.
BTW - I saw a pretty excellent show on PBS' Frontline about Dick Cheney and his view on the presidential powers since he's had any kind of influence (back in the Nixon days). Dick is one scarry fucker who'd make himself dictator if he had the opportunity.
you need a kick in the nuts
Well, if Clinton gets the nomination, I'm gonna pencil in my vote for a Ficus Tree. I agree with the Parliamentary system as do other newer demacratic states. Odd that no one uses our style except us, hmm.
I support the totalitarian model of government, which I am the leader of…
im officially changing your name from karl bakla to karl rove...
there is a a lot of things the rest of the world does that we dont... caring is one of them the other is the measuring system but you know what i fucking hate the metric system and ill be fucking pissed when i have to buy all new tools!!
I'm for going metric
if you had to use it after always working with american you wouldnt be... as for carpentry its better becuase its more acurate but as far as machining american is more acurate all metric measuring tools only go down to one hundreth of a millimieter but american goes down to 10 thousandths of an inch way more accurate.
The metric system rules. You can stick your "foot" up your fucking ass! Hahahahah. Just kidding.
No real comment on the caucus. Though now I wish I had gone so that I could view it more from a sociological perspective. I'm interested in people's actions/re-actions to that type of event, more than anything politically inclined.
That metric problem with accuracy seems like an easy problem to resolve. I do know you probably meant it as a joke but a perfect example of what is wrong & why things never get resolved is the attitude of “I’m not giving up what I already have” Why go Metric when it’s more simpler & much easier to understand, is something from the time I was a small child I couldn’t quite understand. Go figure, stubbornness is a pretty strong trait in America or is it too much pride or a combination of both? Fuck it I’m gonna drink some vodka!
acctually i didnt mean it as a joke, i know both very well and can be productive and accurate with both, but as far as accuracy i just prefer the american system and most of my tools because harley are american are american though its starting to mingle between the systems because the v-rod was in part built by porsche, so thats the worst i have to buy double the tools, i understand what your saying about stubbornness and i agree i am very stubborn i want it to stay american.
I don’t give a fuck what you say Danny, all I am saying is there is still room in the car that is heading towards Colorado for the Bob Mould gig, you down Adam. The music will be killer the scenery will be awesome, can I get an Amen Danny even if it’s not true?
At this point Danny I’m pretty sure you can count on me coming down there unless something retarded happens!
by the way lets take this blog away from Adam!
If any one has a message for me do it through Adam’s blog, as for right now I am going to sleep
fuck you karl
by the way you better get your ass up here
don't tell me what to do
you need me to tell you what to do so fucking do it !!
you can go fuck your self along with Adam, by the way don't have a dick!
im going to asasinate bob mould so that you cant see his show
I'm gonna stuff your pussy with cement & then sculp a cock to your body so that you can have a penis!
you can eat my ass!
i cant you have back ass like hank hill!
You sing in the band Metallica, but sucked Rock Hudson’s cock weeks before he passed away
you own an suv hypocrite
nothing wrong with a suv, cause i'm looking to get one within the next six months or so!
children... let's just get all along now and no verbal abuses towards one another, despite taking over someone elses blog, you need to show some respect!
If you are talking about Bethany’s Escape then you are more stupid than you look, take a look in the mirror because you look pretty stupid
Don't tell us what to do Kurt, unless you want some mud thrown at you, butt face!
i guess your even more stupid than me becuase i was just keeping the shit talking going, damn sri-shrunk-dick
id like to give you a one eyed pirate
flinging poo all over the place like a bunch of monkeys?
tell me about the one eye pirate?
the oned eyed pirate is when ill cum in karls eye and kick him in the shin and hell walk around saying arggggh
I had a really good insult I thought up at work today but I forgot it, but I'll stick with an old one, did you fart Danny? Because every time you say something you make an ass out of your self, as for you Kurt, you are shit in hot dog buns & eat it then french kiss Adam, oh I remembered my insult for Danny... You like interacial dating, ha! Fuck you, yah dick! Who wants some more? I rub shit on my body!
you know what karl you act all tolerant of people and there right to live there lives the way they want to but i know the truth, you love brutal attack and listening to them make you wish you were white so that you could be a skinhead!!!
i got a blowjob from a blackchick so i guess i do like interacial dating, hah back to you loser!!! i drink my own vomit!!
by the way you love zima!!! want some more?
Go ahead bring up Brutal Attack but when you bring up the Zima years you break a gentleman’s agreement. We vowed to never ever talk about Zima ever again, it just reflects poorly on you for associating with a Zima drinker. So you are no gentleman. There is no cum on your face it is in your belly
So Kurt, have we figured out how we are going to Colorado & who is going yet? Just curious I guess it’s not to far away… By the way my birthday adventure begins tomorrow so if any one is out about some time tomorrow give me a call I will be some where around Maryland Parkway between 11am & when ever….
You guys are more gay than Gavin
you're more gay than Danny
its only gay if your catching.
your not gay you just clean the poop off of other guys cocks with your mouth
your not gay you just wish you were... fucking poser!!
you have a chode with dried tofu stuck to it, by the way did someone sneeze on your lower back last night
sounds like someone needs a tampax for their ass
i know why your back hurts all the time its becuase you have to constantly squeeze it shut because youve taken so much cock up your ass that you have lost all control of your colon and if you didnt squeeze it shut you would spray cum everywhere!!
you should also tell your gay lover to stop eating corn cause when you fuck him in the ass and then suck your own dick it gets stuck in your teeth!
I have to admit you had me laughing with that last one…
You stuck Kamikaze Kurt’s head up your ass because man cock was to small for your stretched out butt hole. Since you have onion breath you decided to let Adam coat you belly with cum to kill the stench! But tragedy struck when Adam being a virgin blew so much cum into your mouth that it drowned Kamikaze Kurt who’s head was up your ass, you homicidal gay murderer.
I like how this has taken a very gay tone. I feel like I can open up on Adam’s comment section like I’m some what more free than I am in the out side world.
That's right I dig drag Kurt & Adam into this...
you two should be ashamed of your selves ha ha you made some homophobic references
oh man that is tough to beat,
i run at you full blast and do a spinning karate kick and knock you to the floor i then squat over you and take a hot staming half dijested kurt filled cleavland steamer on your face, while your pinned to the floor i order adam to crawl all the way into your gaping asshole and he begins to tugg on your prostate, your in so much gay induced crap stenched pleasure that you begin to spray cum untill all your intestines and adam come spraying out of your cock,
Have to admit you are stepping up the creative juices, as for you… you’re tickling Gavin’s clitoris in your mouth but it’s really his penis, gushing cum out of your ass where Ben just blasted you with brain tumor laced semen. The cum is used as lube by Kurt who fills up your belly from your ass. There is so much sperm up your ass the ability to hold your poop in is lost, you shit your pants regularly & since you are so used to gushy discharge coming out of your ass you don’t realize its poo & you contract a serious rash. On top of all of this you listen to the Pet Shop Boys & Erasure, so fuck you! You also pretend to be a Vietnamese child so Gary Glitter would molest you
I think we should move over to Crasskins blog & start talking shit over there...
we might as well he doesnt do anything with it
lazy guamese asshole
"The Aristocrats!!"
Sure you fuckers! I'm gone for a couple of days and you come by and hurl insults! Shit, I've burnt out of my creative juices, and now I gotta get them back up to speed... damn you!
You call what you do creative? I call it sticking Danny’s cock in your mouth you butt shit juggernaut, you're an Abo
Adam, remember when you hurt your self at work with your flash light
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