Melabanebdem ib ne laba
Changing shifts at work really sucks. I can’t sleep right, and I want to lie down all the fucking time. In an effort to fight that (y’know, so that my body will adopt a sleep pattern based off of the times I set for it) I’ve been surfing the internet more that usual. Yeah, I know, you’re thinking, “Santa Vaca! Adam, don't just zone out, keep writing and shit.” Except when I ‘m zoned out (like right now), writing anything meaningful is like explaining the philosophy of our founding fathers to a bunch of authoritarian right-wing neo republicans, in a way that they understand. It’s not gonna happen. So I was perusing T-Shirt and I forgot how funny some of their stuff is. Because my sleep is kind of out of whack, I am writing a pointless blog and identifying some of my personal favorites...

Shittles Taste the Asshole!
Rape is no laughing matter. Unless you’re raping a clown.
East Coast Lawn Mowers
Yes, I have plenty of change you homeless piece of shit. Thanks for asking.

I’d rather be fighting the man.
Go! Local sports team and/or college
I beat cancer! (by cancer I mean children)
How dare I wear this goddamned shirt in front of your fucking kids

You Discussed Me
You make my penis soft
I thought I would round this blog up with a few images of really hot chicks...

Santa Vaca! This may very well be the best post in the history of the internet.
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