Sunday, June 25, 2006

Douche Bag of the Moment:

Peyton Knight
National Center for Public Policy Research

For saying on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 (Scroll down for video clip) that more research is how we need to handle Global Warming and cutting emissions would have a devastating effect on the economy. Isn’t this our planet we are talking about. Devastating effect? What about when we can’t live anymore because we have choked ourselves out in some cosmic submission match. I don’t know if anyone of my vast readership has ever owned a fish tank but if you have, you know that it is a closed system that must be balanced. So is the world. One big closed system that we are swinging way out of balance. Props to Joe Lieberman for pointing out on the same show that we need to act before it’s too late. Also, if the title: National Center for Public Policy Research doesn't sound like a propaganda office, I don't know what does.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Christians love the Apocalypse! Or Why George Dubya loves my Ex-wife and how I became a card carrying member of P.A.G.A.N.

Christians love the idea of the coming Apocalypse. It makes their lives incredibly easy. They don’t have to think of the future. All they have to do is exist and wait for the return of their savior, y’know the Lord Jesus fucking Christ (At least that’s what my Dad always calls him). They get to pretend that they don’t have any responsibility for anything that goes on and that they can be blissfully ignorant to the world around them.

Now, I realize that not all Christians act this way, unfortunately it’s just the majority. They have forgotten some of the more important teachings of that Jesus F. guy. Y’know, Matthew 18:35 "...forgive your brother from your heart." or even a few of the Beatitudes in Matthew 5:7 & 9 "Blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy." and "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God." and believe me (or God) I could go on and on. I mean, what the fuck? Did a majority of the Christians in the U.S. even read this stuff! It’s all right there you dumb fucks! Free will, remember, the gift to act (unlike animals which can only react)!

I digress. My point is that most Christians rely on the fact that the Anti-Christ is going to come along and fuck the world up so bad that Jesus is going to show up and save the day riding in on his white horse (Of course whether his horse or Death’s horse is white is an actual religious debate). What’s even more laughable is that before all of this crap happens, all the good little Christians will suddenly disappear in some great goofy event called the Rapture. Yeah okay, news flash Christianinos! If you die, your mortal life ends! Regardless of how, why, when or by whom. When you die, it will be your own personal little apocalypse whether anyone is around or not. Wake the fuck up!

On a side note: Wouldn't it be fucking hilarious to see the Rapture happen and like 70% of Christians were left on Earth, while all the Pro-Choice and Liberals and good Muslims and Buddhists, along with various other religions suddenly vanish. I'd probably just walk around pointing and laughing out loud, "Hey dumb fuck, how's that for your world view!" or say the even more witty, "Wow, I guess you guys were right, there was a Rapture."

Now I must interrupt by explaining a bit about my ex-wife. She’s now born-again. Before all that baptismal crap, her life was a mess and she never seemed to get it together after our divorce. Y’know, went through a few bad relationships and other nastier situations. Then she found Jesus. Hallelujah! Honestly her life did improve, she found focus and a sense of purpose. Mostly it was a good thing for her, but unfortunately, like most modern Christians she became incredibly insular beyond her belief system and close minded. And worse still was that I could no longer talk her into oral sex once or twice a month, damned religion!

Why does George Dubya love her. Well it’s not so much George but people like George. The worst of the bunch and thankfully there is a place reserved down on level 9 of hell, just for them. People like George and his cronies wear religion like a cloak. They use it to further their own subconscious desires and agendas. They use it to justify all of the fucked up shit that they do. They love the modern Christian because those poor saps have been taught that they (as a religious group) have waited so long for their savior that they misplace an almost godlike reverence on Assholes like George.

Well, at least they have chosen a side. And now, so have I.. I have recently gone through the treacherous and time consuming initiation rites of P.A.G.A.N. (Scroll down to his outstanding article People Against Goodness and Normalcy) I am now a full fledged member. Join us you fucking pussy! Choose a side and be labeled. As Mr. Miyagi say, "...grape in middle of road get squashed."

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

This just in...

Chilean Goat Demon attacks family of four at camp site near Andes Mountains!

How many times have you heard this? No not the Chilean Goat Demon story, a news story that's breaking. A news story that seems to alter the way we may view things. A news story with a core of truth that no one should be able to keep it from us. You can probably think of a few. Chances are though, it's only a few. Unfortunately many more break and then seem to disappear. Only a week after and you can't so much as find a blurb on the AP wire, nevermind CNN and FOXNews. Is it a conspiracy or cover-up? Lack of interest? Probably a little bit of both. Not a grand conspiracy but for certain it's something someone with money probably isn't too keen on becoming talked about at the proverbial water cooler. Also, since news services today are in a business to make money, they will not follow a story if no one wants to watch or read (even if they should), how's that for a reversal on conservative views. Anyway, here is my list of top five from the past few years that seem to just disappear in the popular media...

5.) Gary Condit and his missing intern. (Ok admittedly 9-11 was overwhelming, but could we have picked this one back up at some point.)

4.) Benon Sevan and the oil for food scandal at the United Nations.

3.) Laptop Computer explodes at conference in Japan! What the...!? Yikes!

2.) Federal Engineer in charge of Levee construction criticizes Louisiana State and New Orleans local officials before Hurricane Katrina about how they misused and squandered federal money that was tabbed to build a much more robust and permanent system in the city of New Orleans.

1.) Mutiple upon multiple human rights violations stories that come out of Africa and Asia that seem to be just accepted as, "...well, those places are just fucked up." stories. Unless there is money in it.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Anarchy lives! What am I some kind of terrorist?

Ok, let’s get something straight. The term Anarchy conjures up all sorts of negative connotations. A government would have you believe that an anarchist is simply a terrorist and more often than not, they would be right (hey, at least they get something right). Before I get to the idea of myself as anarchist, I’ll summerize the term as our culture understands it...

Is an Anarchist a terrorist? Unfortunately terrorists often hide themselves in the name and idea of anarchist (much like modern Christians do regarding their own faith). Being a terrorist is an ego driven endeavor. They do what they do because they a.) like to do it, b.) want to have power over others, or c.) are deathly afraid of change because it upsets their emotional health.

A modern anarchist (y’know the kind that came out of the fifties, sixties and seventies, before Reagan made them all rich) want(ed) to aggressively dismantle governments because they (governments that are now more commonly referred to as "the Man") always were keeping them down. After years of reflection I have realized that this isn’t the truth.

The truth is that a government, by it’s very nature, eliminates the individuality of a person. A government only wants to protect and feed and function (which, in turn, perpetuates itself) but to do so it must "normalize" many of the things that make people individual. It must make enemies of those that stand up too tall, yell too loud and act out against authority. Remember Kindergarten?

Am I saying crime should be condoned because the perpetrator was never allowed to express themselves? Hell no! Well, mostly no. Any crime that harms or is forced upon another is wrong.

How does this pertain to our Government? Well, it all began way back in Grecian times (and probably before that). The great thinkers of the time knew that the best way to pacify (and suppress) the people was to distract them. Distraction was the key and still is. Sports and games. The methods have only become more complex. DVD’s, Playstations, nightclubs, porn sites, NFL, NBA, UFC, you name it, the list goes on and on.

Not any single one of these things is bad. On the contrary they can help add depth to a culture, relieve stress and stimulate imagination. The danger lies in immersion. As a modern society grows more and more complex, everyday particulars regarding individual survival are taken more and more for granted. The government (which is slowly being replaced by corporations) that controls this vast complex machine is also a slave to it. The machine must be fed! Sacrifices must be made! The one’s being sacrificed must never see it coming. They must be immersed in distraction and insulation so when they realize that the victim is to be their own sense of individuality and identity, it’s too late for them to do anything about it.

All people are artistic and are inherently born with a sense of individuality. They are also born with instincts that enable them to adapt to survive. They adapt by succumbing to the machine and submitting their individuality. No matter what they do, though, this sense of self sometimes manifests in other ways (Sub/Dom anyone! Not to mention random wackos that mass murder people for no good reason. Just think about the phrase "Going Postal!" and you’ll get the point I’m trying to make.

The aberration of modern society in all of this is that we are currently so immersed and insulated that we seem to have lost any kind of ability to maintain any moral outrage regarding our world, culture or government. We know that so many things are wrong but we would just rather play the latest Grand Theft Auto or whatever.

So what kind of Anarchist am I? All you have to do is accept Jesus Christ as your lord and sav... Oh wait wrong Blog, sorry.

Being an Anarchist (to me) is to take personal responsibility for yourself and your world so that a government won’t have to. To let go of teen angst (and all that it’s manifested into) and try to live with love in your heart (yeah, sounds cliche’ and cheesy but it’s a damn fine idea) to further the human race by letting go the idea of "...riding the bicycle until the wheels fall off" (which has become so pervasive in our modern culture). That’s it in a nut shell. If you don’t like it, fuck off! I obviously didn’t write this for you.

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