I liked atheists better when they were better Christians than the Christians. More and more I am exposed to various asshole atheists going out of there way to make it a point to what essentially boils down to hating on others. Damn you Richard Dawkins for making a religion out of anti-religion! One lesson to be learned by all of this? That the codification and dogmatic adherence to ANY idea (which in turn makes it a form of reality) is actually the ROOT of all evil! Gasp! Could Kevin Smith have been right? Although this is merely one example; I used to enjoy the Flying Spaghetti Monster home website. It was funny and thoughtful, then I read a reply to a Christian letter by the man who either runs or moderates the site (I wish I could find the link but I am too lazy to dig it up as it was some time ago). The man spouted nothing but hate, not just at the idea of Christianity but at the individual and he went on to expound how FSM is ALSO a religion! (Or so I remember) So, no more satirizing or tongue in cheek ribbing of religion, it is apparently on like Donkey Kong in that guy's mind. It saddens me, as an Agnostic and very serious fan of Jesus' words (as well as Buddha, Confucius, Lao Tzu and a few others) and not the bullshit religious practices that came later, that pain and frustration has indeed turned to anger and hate (Man, Lucas was on to something even if he took a dump on it later on in his career). I know I am not always in adherence to my own belief system (as no one is) hell, just recently I got into it with a friend because I was hurt and frustrated, I regretted it and hold nothing against him (although he apparently values our friendship much less) but it didn't give me the right, nor anyone the right to base any kind of structured and sustained hate against anyone else! Now I know it is likely a type of backlash and the assholes are always louder than majority so I am sure many good atheists still exist. So I hope all these other asshole atheists that have began to "jump on the bandwagon" and hating back, realize that it is never okay to base their own actions on the actions of others and remember why it is most of them turned away from organized religion in the first place and go back to being some of the kindest and most decent people on the planet. Or we may end up like that episode of South Park.