Picking up the pace? or, Murder! It's not for everyone.
The Blog has been slow lately, sorry for that (at least the 2-3 three that read with any regularity). My life has been busy lately, changing shifts at work (again), kid going back to school, getting a second job and dating someone (It’s even a real woman!). Crasskins and his gal even introduced me to another real woman (whom I thought was equally cool, but I had already started dating the other) It’s been a pretty busy life. Recently, I was pissed at my kid because when she came back from a summer trip with her mother, she embodied the definition of the word inane. I would ask simple, direct questions like, “How was your trip?” and get back, “The trip?” and then silence. This continued for a couple days with all manner of Q and lack of A. “Did you brush your teeth?” and “What brush?”, “What would you like for dinner?” and “Dinner? What?” and on and on. Now, her answers could be considered critical thinking if she would have had a follow up, y’know, probed my questions a bit deeper. But she would provide those answers and then nothing. Inane. I was getting pretty damned impatient. In a conversation with Crasskins about her and my only desire as a father is to teach her to think critically (not be a nag but think things through and not accept things just because they seem cool or everyone else likes them) Crasskins told me of a time when his father made him defend why murder is wrong, at the time I thought it was a pretty good story, went home and continued to grow frustrated with my daughter. After one particularly meaningless non-conversation I had enough. “That’s it, before school starts I want a 600 word essay on why murder is wrong and I don’t want a bunch of bullshit religious excuses, I want it thought out and researched.” I didn’t yell but I was obviously a bit upset. She stammered a bit and made a few excuses (which I normally hate, but in this case at least she was beginning to think). The time passed and she produced. During the time she stopped being inane and actually acted and reacted like the kid I knew and loved. Anyway, this is what she came up with...
The Waodani tribes, along the Amazon River, live at the end of the spear. Their tribes are always at war, if you would like to call it that. It’s killed or be killed. They are practically a group of people always at each other’s throat. Their lifestyle is like a family that the little sections are trying to kill each other. They are spilt up into groups. Waodanis mainly kill the men and boys. Because they know that the boys will grow up to kill them. Rarely do they kill the women, because they need them to reproduce.
The first murder mentioned was Cain and Able. Two sons of Adam and Eve, Cain murdered his brother out of jealousy. Cain was jealous of his brother because his brother had better offerings to god. Instead of asking god, or Able why his offerings happened to be small and decent. He killed his brother.
Murder is not the same as killing. Murder is a thought out plan to end someone’s life. Killing is someone getting hit by a car, or plane crash. Most states send murderers to jail, if there is enough evidence to prove that they murdered someone, and the jury finds them guilty.
Capital punishment is what the government does to punish prisoners; death row is one of them. Most states have prisoners on death row for years. Texas is one of the few states that really enforce capital punishment. Instead of death row for years they use something call a lethal injection. It’s like putting a dog to sleep. It makes you sleep, and you never wake up.
Murder leads up to taking someone’s life. Suicide is still murder. It’s an attempt to kill yourself. If someone fails suicide, they are put under surveillance, their arms and legs are tied down and anything that can kill them is away from them. When you kill animals, that’s not murder according to the bible, as animals do not have souls.
Murder always starts with a cause and effect, it is simple logic. Something happens, and then, some one gets mad, then some one dies. If a husband and wife are fighting and the husband kills his wife in the process, it is called passionate murder.
There are a few types of murder, there is first degree murder, which is a premeditated plan to ends some one’s life. A second degree murder is during a murder someone else dies in the process. Manslaughter is by your actions someone dies, like a drunk driver. Involuntary manslaughter is when in the process of something, someone dies. Like a teenager dies because he was messing with a saw. Murder usually happens in a relationship, brother, sister, husband, wife, or any relationship.
If someone came into your house and stole every penny you ever made, would you murder them? You would you be so angry to the point you even thought of murder? I wouldn’t.
The reasons for murder are usually jealously, revenge, and materialistic things. Murdering someone is wrong because, according to the bible, it is the act of destroying one of god’s creations. Another reason is because murdering someone takes away their identity, sense of self, and removes their whole life away. They could have discovered a cure for cancer. And their family only thinks of them as a murder victim. They wouldn’t be able to have kids to pass them on through time. If your mother dies she lives through you and your children, and grandchildren.
There are many reasons why murder is wrong, not just because it’s against the law, or wrong. It’s also about the person in the murder, they might never be able to meet future family members or experience moments in life. That’s why I think murder is wrong.
Ok, she did sprinkle some religious bullshit in there (her mother is very religious, I guess it could not be completely avoided). Overall I was impressed because she had obviously done some research and constructed an essay about it. I honestly didn’t think it would be this well constructed (I couldn’t have done it when I was her age, she’s not a teenager yet). What this boils down to is a big thanks to Crasskins’ dad for helping to break the erosion from the human mind. Next I think I’ll have her defend slavery from the South’s point of view leading up to the Civil War (the first one, not the one that’s coming).
it's a lot easier to just leave them in the back of the car with the AC off
so there was another real woman in the picture, INTERESTING!!!!!!!!
J -That was amazing! You kicked ass and I'm proud of you. You showed the old man T
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