While being stuck in the middle of writing other blogs (in a very Charlie Kaufman kind of way

In the meantime... I concocted a plan (Admittedly it was Crasskins gal-pal that initially made the suggestion [yeah, he’s hetero, who’da guessed]) to begin writing letters to various people within government (both state and federal) urging them to make choices for the

Interesting tidbit... I did note on the Republican side for Nevada U.S. State Senate, John Ensigns’s (I would have loved for him to have lost) only competition was none other than Edward ‘Fast Eddie’ Hamilton. ‘Fast Eddie’? Is that a joke? Even if this guy literally is the best thing since sliced bread, his nickname of ‘Fast Eddie’ would have done him in. Didn’t anyone tell him the nickname ‘Fast Eddie’ is reserved for pool-sharks and other nefarious hustlers? Regardless of most politicians and ALL Republicans being nefarious, they don’t actually advertise it. John Ensign may have laughed his way to another term.

Third: Typing of Charlie Kaufman, Adaptation was far weaker than both Being John Malkovich and Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind. Adaptation was clever in that it made fun of itself for resorting to screenplay formula to finish itself, but only clever.
Lastly: This image of Bush and Cheney actually is very insulting to the gay community, sorry. It’s a great photo though.
P.S. Oh yeah, here are a couple more photos of hot chicks (y’know, just to convince you that I am NOT gay)...

I saw the movie Trip today!
I saw the movie V is for Vendetta today, good flick dude, thanks for the suggestion
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