The summer movie you should see...

Who Killed the Electric Car?
Okay everyone, this is one of those moments where your moral outrage should continue to build and sustain itself. One of those times when you should stand up and write your Senator, Congressman, Mayor, Bookie, Whore and anyone else that will listen. I won't spend much time writing about it because someone else spent much more time preparing information about it here, (The Electric Car) I will hit the high points.
1.) It ran completely emissions free.
2.) It ran without any noise.
3.) It maxed out at 183 mph (80 mph computer controlled)
4.) It was produced over ten years ago!
Sadly, I must admit I saw one of these beauty's for lease (they were never for sale) when I was younger, and didn't pursue leasing one. Therefore, it's partly my own fault they are gone. The point is, the technology is already out there.
your right! I knew someone who once had one they loved it!
Ummmm...yeah, it seems cool and all, but I think I'll hold out until they mass produce that cool hovering skateboard from Back to the Future II.
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